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.(Inthe Dreamweaver 4 workspace,the Site panel behaves as aseparate window, rather thanas a panel.)Assets F11 Gives you access to many See the following:components that make up Images: Chapter 8your site, including images, Colors: Chapter 7colors, URLs, Flash and URLs: Chapter 9Shockwave objects, movies, Flash: Chapter 25scripts, templates, and Shockwave:library items.Chapter 25Movies: Chapter 26Scripts: Chapter 6Templates:Chapter 28Library: Chapter 29Search Ctrl+Shift+F Shows the results of a See Chapter 7(Command+Shift+F) Find All requestValidation Ctrl+Shift+F7 When you validate a document, See Chapter 30(Command+Shift+F7) the results are displayed inthis panelTarget Browser Ctrl+Shift+F8 Displays results of a target See Chapter 30Check (Command+Shift+F8) browser checkLink Checker Ctrl+Shift+F9 Shows the results when you See Chapter 9(Command+Shift+F9) check for broken links withinyour siteSite Reports Ctrl+Shift+F11 Displays the output from a See Chapter 31(Command+Shift+F11) variety of site reportsFTP Log Ctrl+Shift+F12 Lists the results of FTP See Chapter 5(Command+Shift+F12) operationsServer Debug Ctrl+Shift+F5 Enables you to browse your See Chapter 36(Not available page directly in Dreamweaver son Macintosh) Design window as if it were aWeb browser.This is differentfrom Live Data view becausethe page is not editable.Code Inspector F10 Provides an alternative to Code See Chapter 6view, in a floating windowFrames Shift+F2 Enables you to select and See Chapter 14rename frames within aframeset 054931-6 ch03.F 7/18/02 6:56 AM Page 109Chapter 3 &' Touring Dreamweaver109Panel Keyboard Shortcut Description Detailed InformationHistory Shift+F10 Tracks each change you make, See Chapter 7enabling you to undo and redomultiple steps at a timeLayers F2 Enables you to view and See Chapter 21change some characteristicsof layersSitespring F7 Gives you instant access to all See Chapter 31your Sitespring tasks in aseparate panel inside Dreamweaver.Instead of logging on to theSitespring site, you can updatestatus information and check fornew tasks without leaving yourworkspace.Timelines Alt+F9 (Option+F9) Enables you to add and modify See Chapter 22time-related Dynamic HTMLeffects, such as moving itemsacross a pageHiding and showing panelsWith the large number of panels available in Dreamweaver, your workspace can becomecluttered very quickly.To reduce the amount of screen real estate taken up by the individualpanels, but still utilize their power, Dreamweaver enables you to group multiple panels in asingle window.These groups of related panels are called, not surprisingly, panel groups.Whenever one panel is docked with another in a panel group, each panel becomes accessibleby clicking its representative tab.Selecting the tab brings the panel to the front.You can also display individual panels by using the keyboard shortcuts listed in Table 3-21,or by using commands in the Window menu; there is a separate command to open eachpanel.Finally, you can use one of the buttons in the status bar Launcher, described earlier inthis chapter, to open the desired panel.Using any of these methods opens the panel or bringsit to the top if it is hidden; if the panel is already on top, any of these actions will collapse thepanel group so that only its title bar is showing.One very important keyboard shortcut to remember is the F4 key, which hides all panels.TipThis shortcut immediately clears the screen of everything except the basic Document win-dow  the Insert bar, the Property inspector, all toolbars, and all panels are immediately hid-den, enabling you to enter content in your pages without distraction.Pressing F4 againrestores all the hidden tools.In the Dreamweaver MX and HomeSite/Coder Style workspaces, the panel groups may bedocked along the edges of the Dreamweaver window.In this situation, you can collapse all ofthe panel groups to maximize your work area by clicking the button that appears along theborder of the panel area, as shown in Figure 3-22.This collapses only the panel groupsdocked on one edge of the screen, while leaving toolbars, floating panels, or even panelsdocked along a different edge of the window, intact. 054931-6 ch03.F 7/18/02 6:56 AM Page 110Part I &' Dreamweaver MX Basics110Click to collapse bottom panel area Click to collapse right panel areaFigure 3-22: You can collapse all the panel groups along one edge of the screen withthe click of a single button.In any workspace, you can collapse an individual panel group so that just its title bar isshowing.To do this, click the panel group name in the title bar, or click the small trianglenext to the panel group name.To resize any floating panel, click and drag its borders.On the Mac, you can resize only byTipdragging the resize handle in the bottom-right corner of a window.If the panel groups aredocked together, you can drag the border of the panel area to resize all the panel groups inthat area.You can also right-click (Control+click) the title bar of the panel group or click the Optionsmenu on the right of the title bar, and then select Maximize Panel Group from the drop-down list.This action expands the panel to the fullest possible height, but leaves the panelwidth unchanged.Finally, if you want to close a panel group entirely so that even its title bar is not visible, clickthe Options menu located on the right of the title bar in an open panel group, and then selectClose Panel Group from the drop-down list.You can also right-click (Control+click) in the titlebar and then select Close Panel Group, even if the panel group is collapsed.The next timeyou open any panel within the group, the entire panel group will open automatically. 054931-6 ch03.F 7/18/02 6:56 AM Page 111Chapter 3 &' Touring Dreamweaver111NoteThe Options menu also gives you access to Help for the currently displayed panel, and maycontain additional commands specific to the panel that is open.Customizing panel groupsDreamweaver comes with related panels already combined into panel groups.However, you renot limited to the predefined panel groups.In fact, the panel groups are completely customiz-able, giving you optimum control over your workflow.Moving panels from one group to another,creating new groups, and renaming panel groups are straightforward operations.If you want,you can also remove little-used panels from groups and reorder the panels within a group.To move a panel from one group to another, start by opening the panel you want to move;then right-click (Control+click) in the title bar of the panel group, point to Group Within the context menu, and click the name of the panel group where you want the panel toreside.The same command is available from the Options menu, accessed by clicking the iconat the right of an open panel group s title bar.This command removes the current panel fromits original panel group, and adds the panel s tab to the right of the existing tabs in the targetpanel group [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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