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.S.government instigates terrorism as a pretext to justify anaggressive foreign policy.He claims that the Bush administration allowedSeptember 11 to happen so that the American government would have an excuseto invade Afghanistan.The author poses some tantalizing conjectures, but histreatment lacks objectivity.Atwan, Abdel Bari, The Secret History of Al Qaeda (Berkeley, CA: University ofCalifornia Press, 2006).The author is a Palestinian journalist and the editor-in-chief of the influentialAl-Quds al-Arabi publication.He has lived in London for over thirty years.Hesuggests that al-Qaeda is becoming bigger and stronger because of current 548 Annotated BibliographyAmerican foreign policy.There is considerable material in this book that con-tributes to the understanding of the strategy and tactics of both Osama bin Ladenand al-Qaeda.Ausmus, David W., In the Midst of Chaos: My 30 Days at Ground Zero (Victoria,Canada: Trafford, 2004).The author is a construction safety official who was working at Oak Ridge, Ten-nessee, when word came that he was needed at the World Trade Center site.Herecorded his impression of the site and related safety issues.Although Ausmusspent only thirty days at the World Trade Center site, he was able to record thehorrors of the debris pile and the hazards of those working in that environment.Aust, Stefan, et al., Inside 9/11: What Really Happened (New York: St.Martin sPress, 2001).Nineteen reporters, writers, and editors of the German magazine Der Spiegelcombined their talents to write a narrative of the events leading to September 11and the events of the day.Emphasis of the authors is on the human interest aspectsof 9/11.This book is an excellent introduction to the state of knowledge in themonths following September 11.Barbash, Tom, On Top of the World: The Remarkable Story of Howard Lutnick,Cantor Fitzgerald and the Twin Towers Attack (London: Headline, 2003).The author, a former newspaper reporter, recounts the story of the brokeragefirm Cantor Fitzgerald and its loss of 658 employees on September 11.This com-pany is a huge international brokerage firm that handled most of the bond activ-ity for the New York Stock Exchange.This book tells of its resurrection as acompany and its efforts to compensate the families of employees lost onSeptember 11.Barrett, Jon, Mark Bingham: Hero of Flight 93 (Los Angeles, CA: Advocate Books,2002).This laudatory biography explains the complex personality of Mark Bingham, apassenger on United Airlines Flight 93.His participation in the attempt to over-throw the flight s hijackers placed him on a hero s pedestal.Barrett, Wayne, and Adam Fifield, Rudy! An Investigative Biography of RudolphGiuliani (New York: Basic Books, 2000).Wayne Barrett, senior editor at the Village Voice, has written a critical biographyof Rudolph  Rudy Giuliani.Although the biography ends before September 11,it gives a critical analysis of his lengthy career as mayor of New York City.Thisbook provides background on one of the leading figures in New York City duringand after September 11.Beamer, Lisa, and Ken Abraham, Let s Roll! Ordinary People, ExtraordinaryCourage (Wheaton, IL: Tyndale Publishing, 2002).The author is the widow of Todd Beamer, one of the heroes of United AirlinesFlight 93.She explains the background of Todd Beamer and why he was one ofthe leaders of the attempt to regain control of the cockpit on September 11, 2001. Annotated Bibliography 549She subscribes to the theory that it was his religious faith and his desire to returnto his family that motivated Todd Beamer to do what he did.Bell, J.Bowyer, Murders on the Nile: The World Trade Center and Global Terror(San Francisco: Encounters Books, 2003).J.Bowyer Bell, an adjunct professor at the School of International and PublicAffairs at Columbia University and a member of the Council on Foreign Relations,has used his lifetime of research on terrorism to examine the origins of Jihadi ter-rorism that led to September 11.It is his thesis that the origin of Jihadi terrorismwas in Egypt, and the expansion to the rest of the Middle East has been led byEgyptians such as Sayyid Qutb, Sheikh Omar Abdel Rahman, and Ayman al-Zawahiri.This book is a good introductory source on the personalities and eventssurrounding the September 11 attacks.Benjamin, Daniel, and Steven Simon, The Age of Sacred Terror (New York:Random House, 2004).Two former Clinton administration officials in Richard Clarke s NationalSecurity Council s Directorate of Transnational Threats have written this bookon the terrorist threat to the United States before September 11.As key mem-bers of Clarke s staff they participated in most of the decisions regarding coun-terterrorist operations.This book is a good source for actions taken by theClinton administration.Bergen, Peter L., The Osama bin Laden I Know: An Oral History of Al Qaeda sLeader (New York: Free Press, 2006).The author is CNN s terrorism analyst and an adjunct professor at the Schoolof Advanced International Studies at Johns Hopkins University.He has used hisextensive contacts in the Middle East to produce an oral history of the career ofOsama bin Laden.Bergen interviewed bin Laden once, but the strength of thebook is the interviews with the associates of bin Laden.This book is a gold mineof information about bin Laden and how he is viewed by Muslims both inside andoutside of al-Qaeda.Bernstein, Richard, Out of the Blue: The Story of September 11 2001, From Jihad toGround Zero (New York: Times Books, 2002).The author, a journalist with the New York Times, has, with the help of the staffof the Times, produced this history of the conspirators of September 11 and theimpact of the attack on the lives of Americans.He followed the lives of heroes, vic-tims, and terrorists in considerable detail.This survey is strong on human intereststories that give perspective to the tragedy of September 11.Bin Laden, Osama, Messages to the World: The Statements of Osama bin Laden(London: Verso, 2005) [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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