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., –Manigault, Joseph, Livingston, Edward, Manly, Basil, , , , , Lloyd, Edward, Manning, Richard I., Louisiana Purchase, , Manumission Intelligencer, Louisiana Territory, , , , , , manumission, , , , , , , ,Louisiana, , , , , , , , ,; delayed approach to, –, –;–, , –; and colonization, as done privately, –, , , , , ,; and domestic slave trade, –; and–, free people of color, , n, n;Marion, Francis, and expansion of slavery, ; GovernanceMarion, Robert, Acts of, ; and relationship with Southmaroon activity, , , I N D E X667Marr, G.W.L., –, , , , Mississippi, , , , , –, ,Marr-Blount resolutions, n, –; and colonization movement,Marshall, John, , , , , , n; and expansion of slavery, Marshall, Thomas, ; and free blacks, –, , n,Maryland Colonization Society, n; and insurrection scare of ,Maryland, , , –, n, n; and–, ; racial demography of, –;colonization movement, , , –;and reaction to Vesey plot, –and emancipation, ; and free blacks,Missouri, .See also Missouri Compromise;, , , , n, –n;Missouri crisislegislature of, ; and manumission, ,Missouri Compromise, , , ; sectional politics of, ; asMissouri crisis, , , , , , , ,slave-exporting state, –, , , , , , Mason, George, , , Monroe, James, , –, , , , ;Mathews, Donald, and colonization for African Americans,Mays, Samuel, , –; and Gabriel plot, –; andMcCauley, Hugh, Negro Seaman’s Act, –; and ThomasMcCreary, John, , nJeff erson, , , , McDowell, James, , , , Moore, Hark.See Travis, HarkMcDuffie, George, , , , Moore, James, McKinney, John A., , –, ,Moore, Moses (enslaved), –, , , nMoore, Putnam, McQueen, Hugh, –, Moore, Samuel McDowell, , McWhir, William, Moore, Thomas, Memminger, Christopher, Morehead, John, , Mercer, Charles Fenton, , –, ,Mosby, William, , nMoultrie, William, , , Methodists, –, , , , , –, ,Mumford, George, , –, –, , , , ,Murrell, John A., –, , , , –n; as antislavery denomination, , , ; and coloniza-Nash, John White, –, , ,tion, ; General Conference of, ; andn, npaternalism, , .See also AssociateNashville Republican (TN), Reformed PresbyteriansNatchez, Middleton, Henry, , Natchez Courier (MS), –Middleton, N.R [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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