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.: 82).Interestingly, the researchersobserved that  the younger they are, the less likely they are to see their experi-ence as spiritual or mystical, or to feel that it made them more religious(ibid.: 82).OBEs are also very common among children.Mrs H.Pelling remembersvery clearly the out-of-body experience she had when she was 6 years old.At that time she was very ill in hospital after an operation for peritonitis.She said:My recollections are of being up in the corner of the ceiling at the endof the ward, completely encompassed in this most brilliant light with anecstatic feeling of warmth and comfort, looking down at myself in bed, 9780415455206_4_002.qxd 6/6/08 4:44 PM Page 3434 Journeys in the afterlifewith the vicar and ward sister kneeling at my bedside in prayer givingme the last rites (so I was told years later).I can still see it all as clearlynow, all these years later.I remember the doctor saying to my motheron later visits,  It was a miracle, she had the will to live.(ibid.: 180)In the same way as described by adults, for her the Light was  brilliant , thefeelings of warmth and comfort all-enveloping.Another interesting peculiarityof children s experiences is when they have apparently been greeted by rel-atives whom they did not personally know, but whom they later recognized.Paul and Linda Badham in their Immortality or Extinction? (1982) mentionedone of these singular cases, which they found in a weekly paper called Pulse,where a GP, Dr Thomas Smith, wrote a review about the case of a little girlwho had an NDE and met her grandfather s mother, of whom she had hadno previous knowledge.Later on she was able to recognize her in a photo-graph at her uncle s home without having met her before (Thomas Smith, Called back from the dead , in Pulse, 10 July 1980).Another very exceptional case is that of Hannah, which was reported byCherie Sutherland in her Children of the Light (1995).Hannah has had fournear-death experiences in her life, two of them in early childhood, one as ateenager and another, aged 20, during childbirth.She said:I was born a Jew in Germany, probably some time in late 1937 but asI have no papers and all the people connected with me are dead, I haveno way of proving it.My first experience happened when I was 3 or 4years old.I remember being taken out of my house by my father and asoldier who sent us to the other side of the road.I looked back and sawmy mother being held by a group of neighbours.She was yelling at thesoldier who told her to be silent.I was afraid and started crying.Mymother continued to scream at the soldier so he stepped up to her andhit her in the head with his rifle.As she was lying on the ground an SSofficer went over to her, stood with one foot on her body and shot herin the head with his pistol.I screamed.He turned, raised the pistol and pointed it at me.I turnedto run and was shot in the back.I experienced a shock, and pain thatnearly took the top of my head off.Then I heard music.I can t describeit in earthly terms.I was in darkness.Then the darkness changed intoa passage and then it was light and peaceful, like being in a big smile.I heard voices and they were like a caress, but I didn t understand whatwas being said.In the light I could feel someone else s tears and I saw beings.I then saw one who I remembered seeing at another time.I triedto reach out to him.Tears were in his eyes and his thoughts came clearlyto me,  You cannot touch us. At that moment the pain started againand then I must have slipped into a state of sleep or unconsciousness. 9780415455206_4_002.qxd 6/6/08 4:44 PM Page 35Journeys in the afterlife 35Upon regaining consciousness some time later, Hannah realized she hadbeen taken to the nuns, who were looking after her.She was afraid becauseshe d heard terrible things about nuns and Christians.Doctors examinedher back, then strapped her to a table and one of them gave her a drink thatmade her feel dizzy and sick.He then began to operate on her back.Shesaid:I faded out.It was blue-black then a roaring black, then once again therewas peace.This time there was no music, no lullaby.I saw two peopleI knew but I don t remember their relationship, and I also saw three beings.The third  being then sent me a message of hope, love andcaring.He sent me messages of a future without pain.(ibid.: 142 5)As Sutherland reported, Hannah assumed she then returned to her body,because later, while strapped in splints, she remembers the building beingon fire.She said,  I was rescued by being thrown out the window. Beforethe end of the war Hannah was taken to New Zealand as an orphan.Hernext NDE occurred when she was about 15 in a bicycle accident whenshe hit a truck.This time she had no awareness of any darkness or pain but,while out-of-body, observed the people who were gathered around her.Shesaid,  I floated quite happily, watching myself and them for a very long time.Five years later, aged 20, while afflicted with pneumonia and heavily preg-nant, she was rushed to hospital in labour.Her child was born  in a greathurry.She said,  I could see her, myself, and the doctors and nurses andthen I travelled through the tunnel until I was presented with the choice ofrest or going back. The next thing she knew, she was in intensive care; andthree days later her daughter died.According to Sutherland:In view of her many tragic life experiences it might seem surprising thatHannah did not choose  rest during her NDE.However, as a child shehad seen her  light being guardian again  her  friend of the tears  andhis message of hope had left her feeling she was not on her own, andthat there was a future without pain.(Sutherland 2007)There is a growing amount of evidence that children who have had an NDEtake a different path in life.Atwater, who interviewed more than 250 NDEchildren, reported that the after-effects of an NDE can last more than 20 or30 years (Atwater 2003).The argument has been extensively researched bySutherland (1995) who came to the conclusion that the  children of the lightmay feel different from their friends and they may be more intuitive.Shealso suggested that some of them may be  less afraid of death, have more 9780415455206_4_002 [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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