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.Click the paragraph or short line you want to indent or outdent, or click where you reabout to type a new paragraph or line.If you want to adjust several paragraphs or shortlines at once, select them.2.Click the Increase Indentation or Decrease Indentation button on the Formatting toolbaror choose Format ’! Increase Indent or Format ’! Decrease Indent from the NewMessage window menu bar.page 130 Windows XP BibleFigure 8-13: Indented and outdented textThat s all there is to it! As you ll see next, indenting and outdenting is also useful when you re typinglists.Typing listsI m a great fan of bulleted and numbered lists (as you can tell from this book) because they make iteasier to understand a series of choices or a logical sequence of steps.You can create lists like theones shown in Figure 8-14 with a few keystrokes and mouse clicks.When you create a numbered list,new items are numbered automatically in their proper sequence.If you delete an item in the list, thenumbering adjusts accordingly, as you would expect.Figure 8-14: A numbered list with an indented bulleted listTyping a new listHere s how to type a new list:1.Click where you want the new list to start.2.Do one of the following:To create a numbered list, click the Formatting Numbers button on theFormatting toolbar or choose Format ’! Style ’! Numbered List from theNew Message window menu bar.A number appears at the insertionpoint and the Formatting Numbers button will appear pushed in.page 131 Windows XP BibleTo create a bulleted list, click the Formatting Bullets button on theFormatting toolbar or choose Format ’! Style ’! Bulleted List from theNew Message window menu bar.A bullet appears at the insertion pointand the Formatting Bullets button will appear pushed in.3.If you want to indent or outdent the current item, click the Increase Indentation orDecrease Indentation button on the Formatting toolbar (or choose the equivalentoptions on the New Message window s Format menu).4.Type the next list item and press Enter.A new number or bullet will appear.5.Repeat Steps 2 through 4 as needed.When you finish typing the list, follow the steps given in the section  Removing numbers and bullets.(Alternatively, just hit the Enter key twice to turn off bullets or numbers.)Tip The Formatting Bullets and Formatting Numbers buttons and the equivalent menuoptions are toggles.Choosing the button or option once turns on the numbered orbulleted list.Choosing it again turns off the list.Creating a list from existing textIf your message already includes some paragraphs or short lines that would work better as a list,converting them is easy:1.Select the paragraphs or lines you want to format into a list.2.Click the Formatting Numbers or Formatting Bullets buttons and the IncreaseIndentation or Decrease Indentation buttons on the Formatting toolbar as needed (seeSteps 2 and 3 of the procedure for typing a new list).Creating a list within a listYou can even create a list within a list, like the bulleted list within the numbered list shown in Figure 8-14.As usual, you can make the change while you re typing a new list or by selecting text first.Followthese steps:1.Position the insertion point where you want the indented list item to appear or select theexisting paragraphs or lines you want to indent.2.Click the Increase Indentation button on the Formatting toolbar or choose the equivalentmenu options until you get the indentation level you want.3.If you want to change the type of list, click the Formatting Numbers or FormattingBullets button, or choose the equivalent menu options.A number or bullet appropriateto the indentation level appears.4.If you did not select text in Step 1, type your list items, pressing Enter after each one.Of course, you can return list items to their previous levels by outdenting.Simply repeat the previousfour steps except, in Step 2, click the Decrease Indentation button on the Formatting toolbar as needed.Removing numbers and bulletsYou can remove the numbers or bullets from list items at any time.Simply select the items or positionthe insertion point anywhere in the item from which you want to remove the number or bullet.Then clickthe Formatting Numbers button (if it s a numbered item) or the Formatting Bullets button (if it s a bulleteditem) on the Formatting toolbar until the number or bullet disappears.If necessary, increase or decreasethe indentation level.Tip You can remove numbers and bullets and return the text to its leftmost position byrepeatedly clicking the Decrease Indentation button.Inserting a pictureA great-looking picture of your pet, spouse, kid, or newest possession can spice up an e-mail message.You can insert many types of pictures, including scanned images and clip art, by following these steps:1.Click in the message editing area where you want the image to appear.2.Click the Insert Picture button on the Formatting toolbar, or choose Insert ’! Picture fromthe New Message window menu bar.You ll see the Picture dialog box shown in Figure8-15.page 132 Windows XP BibleFigure 8-15: Add graphics to your e-mail messages using the Picture dialog box.3.In the Picture Source box, type the complete filename of the picture.Or, click the Browsebutton and then locate and double-click the picture s filename in the dialog box thatappears (see Figure 8-16).Figure 8-16: Select the picture you want from the list.4 [ Pobierz caÅ‚ość w formacie PDF ]
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