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.Gray s hand dropped lifelessly to his side and Nikolaus pushed Marissa tothe doorway. Come on! he growled as he ran to Gray and grabbed him by the arm,pulling him with him as they fled.LXXVI.SIR JOHN MCTIERNAN sat in a comfortable leather office chair, looking across thelarge glass table at two of the Organization s top Class One agents.He wrinkled hisnose primly and cocked his head. You two certainly don t look like the highly trained assets we sent out sixmonths ago, he observed after nearly five full minutes of complete and utter silence.Shawn stared at him balefully and Thiago blinked disinterestedly. Would you carefor a shower or something to eat before we begin? Or perhaps a shower? Johnoffered pleasantly as he looked them over and sniffed. Been a while since you smelled blood and smoke, has it, Mac? Shawnasked in a low voice. As a matter of fact, it has, John responded with another sniff. There was ashower aboard the jet, you could have availed yourself the luxury of soap.You wereon it for more than twenty-four hours, after all. We found that sleep was more important, Shawn answered coolly. Youcould have waited to do this until tomorrow if you re so offended, he added in agrowl.John examined him closely.Shawn s hands were still stained with the bloodof his latest victim, and both he and Thiago were smudged and tattered from theexplosion that rocked the train after the grenade dropped.John had been filled in on all the details of the massive fuck up that occurredback in the States.He looked back into Shawn s flashing green eyes and smiled The Archer 553Abigail Rouxwinningly at him.At least the ordeal hadn t completely exterminated the will to fightfrom his former protégé.That would have made the whole thing quite tragic. How are you, Shawn? John asked pleasantly.The question was sincere,though the tone was not.John had always thought of Shawn as a son, in his owntwisted way. Not hurt, I hope? No, Shawn answered coldly. Not hurt. And you, Thiago? I trust you re uninjured as well? Yes, Thiago responded in barely a whisper. Good, good.We bad pennies always turn up, don t we? John drawled witha wink.Thiago stared at him for several seconds and then offered a weak smile inagreement. Cut the shit, Mac, what are we waiting for? Shawn asked impatiently. Ask your questions and let us get out of here and get cleaned up, for fuck s sake.John smiled at the two men again and nodded toward the flat screen panel onone side of the room.They both turned in their chairs and looked at it curiously.Johnflicked on the conference phone in the center of the table with a remote, and a mancame up on the screen.He sat behind a large, swanky desk and grinned.Shawn growled wordlessly and Thiago sighed heavily and let his head fallback to rest on the back of his chair. How are you, gentlemen? Thierry St.John asked pleasantly.Shawn merely growled at the screen again.Thiago cleared his throat uncomfortably. That glad to see me, eh? Well, no worries, I m happy enough for the lot ofus.Never thought we d see either of you again.Do you have any idea how muchmoney it takes to train one of you buggers? Why do I have the feeling we re about to get royally fucked? Shawnmumbled as he leaned forward and spoke into Thiago s ear.Thiago brought his handup to cover what was probably a grin, and he nodded solemnly as Shawn rested backin his chair once more.John narrowed his eyes at the two men.They seemed to be friends.Interesting. Who wants to start? Thierry asked as he leaned his elbows against thedesk. Start? Thiago asked tentatively. Yes.Start.Telling us what the hell happened, Thierry clarified. 554 The ArcherAbigail Roux It s pretty clear, is it not? Shawn asked with a furrowed brow. The shit hitthe fan and everyone fucking died.That s what happened. I think we re going to need a bit more detail than that, Thierry said with ascowl. Detail? Shawn echoed angrily. Shawn, calm down, John ordered sternly. The only person who died in allthis was the one you were sent to kill. Fuck you, John.And you, too, you rat bastard, Shawn said as he turned tothe screen once again. You sent us out there to die! That s not true, Thierry said as he pointed a finger at the screen,  I sentyou out there because you were all liabilities.There s a difference. Thierry! Shawn yelled as he slammed his fist down on the table and stoodand drew his gun. Get your ass down here so I can kill you! Uh, no.That would be why I m staying here, Thierry said with a cheekygrin as he eased back in his chair and laced his fingers behind his head.He gave thema huge smile and tilted back in the posh leather chair.John closed his eyes and shookhis head wearily as Thierry leaned back too far and went toppling over backward.Thiago pinched the bridge of his nose and sighed and Shawn rolled his eyesas Thierry s head popped back up behind the desk and he clawed his way to his feet. Sorry& sorry, Thierry mumbled as pens and classified documents wentskittering across his desk. Oh, for fuck s sake, Shawn grumbled as he rubbed his eyes.John knew how the man felt [ Pobierz caÅ‚ość w formacie PDF ]
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