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.This is because once youhave it set-up, the banners keep bringing people andsales to your site for years and years to come.First sit down and figure out what types of visitors youwould consider your  perfect target market.If you areselling greeting cards, you might want to find sites thathave to do with all the major holidays.You also wantto find sites that have  reminder services for birthdaysand such.Visitors to those sites are the ones you wantto sell your greeting cards to.To find appropriate sites, just type the appropriatekeywords into a search engine and get the results, andstart surfing those sites to see which would beapplicable to advertise your banner on.Insider Secrets 4 - 8 NOTES:Manually go through and visit all the individualsites, and then rate them on a scale of one to ten.Considerations to make are, what types of visitors gothere, how pleasing the site is, how big is the site, howmany visitors do they get (if they have a counter on themain page), etc.Find a contact email address andwrite it down.Note: make sure to mark down any sites that are indirect competition to you, as we will use these later inthis course.Once you get all the contacts email addresses, it istime to email them all a message offering them moneyfor placing your banner on their site.For those thatdon t have a bulk-emailer like Mailloop (which I willmention throughout this course because it reallymakes you life a lot easier when it comes to doingbusiness on the net), I will show you how to do bulkemail without it.Without getting into all the boring details, you create amessage like normal, but address it to another emailaddress in the  TO: field.Paste the entire list of emailaddresses (up to 28 K  or about 2000 of them) intothe  BCC: field separated by commas. BCC standsfor  BLIND CARBON COPY , and it means thateveryone in that field will get the email, but it will beaddressed to the email addresses in the  TO: field.There will be no record of the large list of addressesin the  BCC: field on the reader you are sending thatemail to, which is meant by  blind.If you had put thishuge list of email addresses in the "TO:" or "CC:" field,every person that gets the email will get a copy of thatlist in that field.They would have to wade through allthe email addresses to get to the body of the message(a big hassle!).The reason I recommend using Mailloop instead isbecause most people that have a website get a lot ofjunk mail and know to look in the  TO: field.If amessage is not addressed to their specific emailaddress in the  TO: field, they know it is spam andtrash it even before reading it.Some savvy websiteowners have set up an automatic filter so as soon asInsider Secrets 4 - 9 NOTES:email comes in without their address in the  TO: field,it is automatically deleted before they even see it.Mailloop sends to each email address separately sothat the recipient s email address is in the  TO: fieldand it looks like a personal message.This will get amuch higher response ratio for obvious reasons.Go tohttp://www.marketingtips.com/mailloop.html formore information on this program.For those of you that know how to send bulk emailthrough a regular email program (using the BCC field),I am sorry to bore you, but you would not believe howmany people do not know how to do this.This is what the header of your email will look like:TO: carsecrets@igs.netFROM: nicholas@igs.netSUBJECT: sponsoring your siteCC: (blank)BCC: hello@home.com,next@nobody.com,abc@xyz.com,zzz@aol.com,notme@compuserve.com, etc.etc.etc.Notice that the email-list just goes on and onseparated by commas.That list (it may be as long as2000 people) will disappear once it is sent so recipientsdon t know who is on the list or how many people theemail was sent to.But any savvy Internet user willknow this is a spam by not seeing their email addressin the "TO:" field& that is why I recommend using aprogram like Mailloop to avoid this.Also, I should note that new software is being installedon many mail servers that will automatically deleteany email message that has over 15 - 20 people in theBCC field.That means your email can be deleted evenbefore it is sent from your server (if it has over 15 - 20addresses in the BCC field).This is the ISP s attemptto reduce spam and another reason why Mailloop is sovaluable (as it sends an individual message to eachrecipient  therefore not getting your bulk emailmessage deleted by your ISP).The subject and body of your email should readsomething like the following example.This is exactlyInsider Secrets 4 - 10 NOTES:what we used for Car Secrets (use it as a templateand modify it to fit your business description):Subject: sponsoring your siteHi,I am inquiring about your automotive website.I aminterested in sponsoring your webpage where we would payyou for displaying our banner at the top of one (or afew) of your pages.Let me explain what we do.We have a book/e-pub called"Car Secrets Revealed." It reveals hundreds of money-saving "insider" automotive secrets on buying, servicing,and everyday driving.The tips and secrets will help thereaders save thousands of dollars.They'll find out suchthings as: how to cut their insurance by 50%, how to getfree repairs after their warranty expires, how to gethundreds of dollars back on their next tax return bysimply using their car, how to easily beat the policeradar speed traps, how to buy cars at wholesale pricesand so many more.It can be seen athttp://www.igs.net/carsecrets/What would you recommend for the best exposure at yourwebsite (best value for the dollar) and what would be thecost.I would even consider being linked (or listed) frommultiple sections of your website or having you sell thebooks directly; do you have any other suggestions?I am looking for a long-term advertising relationship, sokeep that in mind when making your suggestions.I amready to start ASAP, so a quick response would beappreciated.I do have a few other questions [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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