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.Review the listing to determine what the error is.Note: Before the physical databases or files that you have mapped can beaccessed by a data server, the data server requires authority to read thesedatabases or files.Contact your security administrator and inform them ofthe user ID(s) that the data server(s) will be using, so that the securityadministrator can grant the proper authority.114 Getting Started with Data Warehouse and Business Intelligence 5.1.7 Mapping Non-Relational Data (IMS)This section explains how to use the Data Mapper. Data MapperCreating a RepositoryThe first step in mapping your non-relational data to a relational view is tocreate a repository.A repository stores information (data catalogs, tables, columns, and owners)about the legacy data DataMapper is mapping.To create a repository:1.Select File -> New Repository from the DataMapper main menu.2.Enter a File Name and location for your repository in the Create a NewRepository dialog box.A file extension of.mdb must be assigned to allDataMapper repository files.Click Save to create the repository.The repository you created is displayed.This is an empty repository.You will add data catalogs to the repository in Creating a Data Catalog on page 115.Creating a Data CatalogThis step describes how to create a data catalog for the newly-createdrepository.1.With the repository window open, select Edit -> Create a New DataCatalog.from the DataMapper main menu, or click the Create a NewData Catalog icon on the toolbar.The Create Data Catalog dialog box opens.2.Enter the data catalog Name, Type, and any Remarks.To select from alist of data catalog types, click the arrow next to the Types box.3.Click OK to create the data catalog.The data catalog is now displayed on your repository screen.Repeat steps 1 through 3 to add additional data catalogs.Loading IMS DBDs for ReferenceThis section describes how to load IMS Database definitions (DBDs) forreference.IMS DBDs are transferred from the mainframe to the workstationand given a file extension of.dbd.Implementation 115 The DBDs are used as reference for building table and column information.DBD information is also used to provide lists of segment names and fieldnames when creating and updating the table and column information.1.Select the data catalog you created in previous step by clicking thenumber to the left of the data catalog name.This highlights the selectedrow.2.Select File --> Load DL/I DBD for Reference.The Load DBD File window opens.3.Select a DBD from the C:\djx32\dm\sample directory, or enter the nameand location of the DBD to be loaded and click OK.Note: DataMapper requires a file extension of.dbd for all DBD files andwill not recognize other file extensions.The DBD reference is created.An IMS or DL/I DBD file folder icon isdisplayed in the window indicating that the DBD is loaded for reference bysubsequent DataMapper functions.Repeat Steps 1 though 3 to add additional DBDs from your hard drive.Note: You must load the DBD each time you open the repository.DataMapper does not store DBD references between sessions.Only oneDBD may be loaded for reference at a time.However, you may switchDBDs at any time during the mapping process.This completes loading a DBD from the hard drive.Creating a TableIn this section, you will create a table for the data catalog you created in Creating a Data Catalog on page 115.A Classic Connect table is equivalent to a DB2 table, and is created bymapping one or more record types from a non-relational database into asingle Classic Connect table.Note: Be sure to have a repository open before starting this section.1.Select a data catalog.2.Select Window -> List Tables.3.Select Edit -> Create a new table., or select the Create a New Tableicon on the toolbar.The Create an IMS Table window opens.4.To create an IMS Table:1.Enter the table name in the Name field.116 Getting Started with Data Warehouse and Business Intelligence 2.Select an owner from the Owner pull-down list.3.Confirm that a name exists in the DBD Name field.The name should have been automatically added to the field based onthe DBD that was loaded for reference.If you did not load a DBD, youmust manually enter a name.This is a required field.4.(Optional) Enter or select an index root from the Index Root pull-downlist.The index root name must be a 1- to 8-character alphanumericstring.5.Enter or select a leaf segment from the Leaf Seg pull-down list.If you loaded a DBD, this pull-down list box contains the segmentnames defined in the DBD.This value defines the path in the IMSdatabase to include in the table.You can map information from anysegments in this path to columns in the table you are creating.Note: The DBD Name is automatically added based on the DBD thatwas loaded for reference in Chapter ,  Loading IMS DBDs forReference on page 115.If you did not load a DBD, you are required tomanually enter a name.6.(Optional) Enter a PSB name in PSB Name field.The PSB Namedefines the PSB to be scheduled when accessing this table.The PSBname must be a 1- to 8- character alphanumeric string.7.(Optional) Enter a PSB name in JOIN PSB Name field.The JOIN PSBName defines the PSB to be scheduled when accessing this table aspart of an SQL JOIN with other tables.The JOIN PSB name must be a1- to 8- character alphanumeric string.8.(Optional) Enter the PCB Prefix in the PCB Prefix field.The prefix must be a 1- to 7-character alphanumeric string.The PCBPrefix is used by the DMSI to identify the PCB used in all IMS queriesfor the table.The prefix value specified is suffixed by the DMSI with acharacter 0 through 9 prior to looking up the PCB name using the DLI sAIB interface.If no PCB Prefix is specified, the DMSI searches thePCB list for a valid PCB by issuing GU calls for the necessary path tothe leaf segment.9.(Optional) Check the Reference Only box if the table will be used forreference only.Reference tables allow you to build large column lists that can be usedto populate other tables using drag-and-drop between columnwindows.Reference tables are not generated into the data catalog smeta data input when meta data generation is requested.Implementation 117 10.Enter any remarks in the Remarks box.5.Click OK to create the table.The table is now added to the IMS Tables for Data Catalog window.Repeat steps 1 through 5 to add additional tables to a data catalog.Importing a CopybookThis section describes how to import a COBOL copybook.Copybooks aretransferred from the mainframe to the workstation and must be given a fileextension of.fd.1.Open the IMS Tables for Data Catalog window by double-clicking theTable icon, or selecting Window -> List Tables.2.Select the table into which you want to import the copybook by clicking thenumber to the left of the table name.This will highlight the row.3.Select File -> Import External File., or press the Import an ExternalFile icon.The Import File dialog box opens.Note: When transferring IMS copybooks to the workstation, be sure toinclude a file extension of.fd, for example, boxes.fd, or the DataMapperwill not recognize the file.4.Select a copybook to import from the C:\cxa\dm\samples directory andthen click Open.The Import Copybook window opens.5.Select the table into which you which you want to import the copybook,and select the appropriate import options, which include:Import Group Level Data ItemsCreates a column for each COBOL data item that is a group level item.Group level items are items without picture clauses that containsubordinate data items with higher level numbers [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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