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.If you have, Excelprints only the range to which you ve assigned the name.Otherwise, Excel prints the entireactive area of the selected sheet(s).If you expect to print the same area of a given sheet repeat-edly, you can save yourself some steps by defining the print area.Here are the easiest ways todefine the print area in Excel:Ï% Select the range you want to define and then choose File, Print Area, Set Print Area.ORÏ% Choose File, Page Setup, and on the Sheet tab, enter the cell range you want to print inthe Print Area box.For more information about defining range names, see  Naming Cells and Cell Ranges on page 368.346Part 4: Adding Graphics and PrintingChapter 11 Printing and PresentingSuppose you have a workbook that is crowded with data, but each sheet in the workbookincludes only a small area of summary information that you need to print.You can define aunique print area on each sheet in a workbook.If you select two or more sheets and printusing the Active Sheet(s) option, Excel prints only the area of each sheet where you havedefined a print area and prints the entire active area of any selected sheets where you haven tdefined a print area.Tip Take advantage of quick printingTo bypass the Print dialog box, click the Print button on the Standard toolbar or Shift-clickthe Print Preview button.Excel prints using the default Active Sheet(s) option.Setting Printer Driver OptionsOccasionally while working in Excel, you might need to set options that only your printerdriver provides.For example, you might need to switch from automatic to manual paper feedor from one paper tray to another.You can do this by choosing Start, Settings, Printers, right-clicking the appropriate printer, and then choosing Properties.You can also set many of theseoptions from within Excel by clicking Properties in the Print dialog box (refer to Figure 11-9)to open a version of the printer driver dialog box for the selected printer.347Part 4: Adding Graphics and PrintingChapter 11 Part 5Creating Formulas andPerforming Data Analysis12 Building Formulas 35113 Using Functions 40114 Everyday Functions 41115 Formatting and Calculating Date and Time 43516 Functions for Financial Analysis 44917 Functions for Analyzing Statistics 46318 Performing What-If Analysis 493349 Part 5: Creating Formulas and Performing Data AnalysisChapter 12Building FormulasFormula Fundamentals.351 Worksheet Calculation.379Using Functions: A Preview.361 Using Arrays.385Naming Cells and Cell Ranges.368 Linking Workbooks.389Understanding Error Values.378 Creating Conditional Tests.393Formulas are the heart and soul of a spreadsheet, and Microsoft Excel offers a rich environ-ment in which to build complex formulas.Armed with a few mathematical operators andrules for cell entry, you can turn a worksheet into a powerful calculator.Formula FundamentalsAll formulas in Excel begin with an equal sign.The equal sign tells Excel that the succeedingcharacters constitute a formula.If you omit the equal sign, Excel might interpret the entryas text.To see how formulas work, we ll walk through some rudimentary ones.Begin by selectingblank cell A10.Then type =10+5 and press Enter.The value 15 appears in cell A10.Nowselect cell A10, and the formula bar displays the formula you just entered.What appears inthe cell is the displayed value; what appears in the formula bar is the underlying value, whichin this case is a formula.Understanding the Precedence of OperatorsOperators are symbols that represent specific mathematical operations, including the plussign (+), minus sign ( ), division sign (/), and multiplication sign (*).When performingthese operations in a formula, Excel follows certain rules of precedence:Ï% Expressions within parentheses are processed first.Ï% Multiplication and division are performed before addition and subtraction.Ï% Consecutive operators with the same level of precedence are calculated from left to right.Enter some formulas to see how these rules apply.Select an empty cell and type =4+12/6.Press Enter, and you see the value 6.Excel first divides 12 by 6 and then adds the result (2) to4.If Excel used different precedence rules, the result would be different.For example, selectanother empty cell and type =(4+12)/6.Press Enter, and you see the value 2.666667.Thisdemonstrates how you can change the order of precedence using parentheses.The formulas351 Part 5: Creating Formulas and Performing Data AnalysisMicrosoft Office Excel 2003 Inside Outin Table 12-1 contain the same values and operators, but note the different results because ofthe placement of parentheses:Table 12-1.Placement of ParenthesesFormula Result=3*6+12/4-2 19=(3*6)+12/(4-2) 24=3*(6+12)/4-2 11.5=(3*6+12)/4-2 5.5=3*(6+12/(4-2)) 36If you do not include a closing parenthesis for each opening parenthesis in a formula, Exceldisplays the message  Microsoft Excel found an error in this formula and provides a sug-gested solution.If the suggestion matches what you had in mind, simply press Enter andExcel completes the formula for you.When you type a closing parenthesis, Excel briefly displays the pair of parentheses in bold [ Pobierz caÅ‚ość w formacie PDF ]
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