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.every sentence with pronouncements that, in anyWho would deny Eliot s premise, when it isother context of presentation, might have requiredstated in those terms? Still, one might wish thatfar more elaboration and persuasive defense.Eliot had chosen to revisit as well other areas ofSYNOPSISearlier controversy that, while they were not purelyliterary, were nevertheless subject to his singularDespite these genuine virtues and the essay sauthority to address and, if possible, redress anddeserved renown,  Tradition and the Individualthat continue to tarnish his otherwise untarnishedTalent is rather loosely, perhaps even haphazardlyreputation.What comes most immediately to mindconstructed and is worthy of consideration far moreis his unfortunate characterization of  free-thinkingfor the power of its suggestiveness than for theJews in After Strange Gods.Whatever Eliot mayprecision of its organization.In essence, the essayhave meant by his insisting that such individualsproposes a series of key concepts that would subse-can be disruptive to the cultural integrity of thequently become germane, for one thing, to readingsAmerican experience, such intellectual subtletiesof Eliot s own poetry and that would also eventuallymust of necessity be virtually instantly lost on any become the root if not the immediate source forreader who is acutely sensitive to the bias and big- major critical approaches with regard to modernismotry that such a characterization betrays.in general and the methodology of New CriticismEliot was not oblivious to the problem.Fol- in particular.In addition to exploring the questionlowing its initial publication in 1934, Eliot never of the relationship between the tradition thatpermitted After Strange Gods to be reprinted.Still, is, works already preexisting in a national or evenhe fails to acknowledge even so much as a nod- multicultural body of literature and any one poetding acquaintanceship with this black mark on his in particular (that is,  the individual talent ), Eliotliterary and personal reputation in the very essay also delves into and, so, makes pronouncements onthat places his own imprimatur on how he wishes the relationship between the poet as a person andhis legacy to be regarded by future generations the poet as a creative intellect. 406  Tradition and the Individual TalentHe comments as well, finally, on how much process that involves the reception of a preexistingor how greatly a work of literature ought to be text, is a quite different approach.Nevertheless,regarded as giving expression to the personality the essay s central premise, as well as its continu-of the poet, giving birth to the impersonal the- ing critical value, is, in essence, Eliot s argumentory of poetry.Coming relatively hard upon the that the creative process is an impersonal process,poetry of the English romantics, the longest-lived despite the tendencies of many readers to per-of whom, William Wordsworth, had been dead sist in identifying the speaker of a poem with thenearly 70 years by 1919 and whose subjective, poet.Keeping this central premise in mind oughtexpressive approach toward the writing of poetry to demystify many of Eliot s pronouncements onstill wielded excessive sway over both the com- similar subjects.position and the reading of poetry, Eliot s effortsThe Living Talent and the Traditionto found in principle in what would later becomeEliot begins his presentation by directly address-known as the impersonal school of poetry caning the essay s ostensible topic, the relationshiphardly be scanted or overlooked.While his essaybetween tradition and the individual talent.Whatmay not have initiated the powerful reaction tomay seem to be the most obvious point in his open-romanticism that is now thought of as literarying argument is certainly the most salient, that themodernism, the essay certainly gave that move-tradition is at any one time a completed whole thatment voice and a clear agenda.comprises all of the preceding creative endeavorIn keeping with an analytical approach, Eliotout of which the individual author creates a newstructures his central argument around variouswork [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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