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.Spotted by a sentry, theexercise it, often arbitrarily.man refuses to stop and is shot in the thigh.TheThe sailors whom White-Jacket refers to as man is brought so low by loss of blood that the the people  are given their shore leave.White- surgeon of the fleet, Cadwallader Cuticle, does notJacket goes ashore with Jack Chase s party, which immediately attempt to remove the bullet.Instead,returns to the ship promptly and in good order.the self-involved, even grotesque, Cuticle invitesOthers, however, are brought back drunk, beaten, other surgeons from the fleet to consult with him.and unconscious.From this evidence, White-Jacket They are all of the opinion that the leg, bad as itdraws the conclusion that such disorder is inevita- is, should not be amputated.Cuticle goes aheadble when  the people are released from the strain nonetheless, expatiating on his methods even asof arbitrary discipline.Melville injects an aside here the poor sailor lies fainting beneath the saw.Thearguing that midshipmen not be sent to sea when operation is declared a success, but the patient diesthey are mere boys, for they are too impressionable shortly thereafter.not to pick up the prejudices and bad habits ofChapters 64 67:  Man-of-War Trophies ;  Atheir superiors, which are thus carried into the nextMan-of-War Race ;  White-Jacket Arraigned atgeneration of officers.the MastChapters 56 63:  A Shore Emperor on Board The order to weigh anchor comes at last, and thea Man-of-War ;  The Emperor Reviews  The Neversink races an English frigate and a FrenchPeople at Quarters ;  A Quarter-Deck Officer man-of-war out of the harbor.With the wind atBefore the Mast ;  A Man-of-War Button Divides their backs and headed for home, the men becomeTwo Brothers ;  A Man-of-War s Man Shot At ; giddy.Seeking outlets for their excess energy, they The Surgeon of the Fleet ;  A Consultation of engage in a number of stylized battles.One of these,Man-of-War Surgeons ;  The Operation head-bumping, is a particular favorite of the cap-The emperor of Brazil, Dom PEDRO II, pays a call tain, who repeatedly pits the powerful black cook son the Neversink.His visit occasions all manner of assistant, May-Day, against the slender mulattopomp and circumstance.The sailors are reviewed Rose-Water.May-Day prevails, and he begins toin their places, and in the process, one of the royal develop contempt for Rose-Water, going so far ashangers-on is tripped up by his own sword.Shortly to call him a  nigger. This insult causes a genuineafterward, the royal party withdraws.fight, which results in both men being flogged.Somewhat shorthanded, the Neversink takes The arbitrariness of shipboard justice eventu-on some men from a U.S.sloop-of-war anchored ally touches White-Jacket, who is accused of beingnearby.One of these, a former officer who had absent from his post.Although he has diligently per-been stripped of his rank when alcohol caused him formed what he thought to be his duties, on paperto abandon his command, claims an acquaintance he has been assigned another position.Threatenedwith the first lieutenant, Mr.Bridewell.This man, with flogging for insubordination, White-Jacketnamed Mandeville, seems not to have improved determines that he will jump overboard first tak-over the years.Little more than a week goes by ing the captain with him.Fortunately, a marinebefore he is flogged for having become intoxicated corporal, Colbrook, and Jack Chase intervene, dar-on smuggled spirits.Mandeville s shameless behav- ing to inform the captain that White-Jacket hasior contrasts with that of a young sailor he calls done his duty. White-Jacket; or, The World in a Man-of-War 249Chapters 68 73:  A Man-of-War Fountain, and of the men grow ill.Among them is Shenly, whoOther Things ;  Prayers at the Guns ;  Monthly is confined to the ship s airless sickbay.His mess-Muster Round the Capstan ;  The Genealogy mates are ordered to take turns sitting with him,of the Articles of War ;   Herein Are the Good but when White-Jacket assumes the watch, he findsOrdinances of the Sea, Which Wise Men, Shenly to be dying.Quickly and unceremoniously,Who Voyaged Round the World, Gave to Our the corpse is washed, dressed, sewn up in a bit ofAncestors, and Which Constitute the Books of sailcloth, and dumped overboard.the Science of Good Customs  ;  Night and DayChapters 83 90:  A Man-of-War College ;  Man-Gambling in a Man-of-Warof-War Barbers ;  The Great Massacre of theWhite-Jacket returns to his survey of the man-of-Beards ;  The Rebels Brought to the Mast ;  Oldwar, detailing, among other things, the scuttlebutt,Ushant at the Gangway ;  Flogging Through thea sort of shipboard water cooler that is the site ofFleet ;  The Social State in a Man-of-War ;  Themuch gossiping.He discusses the mandatory dailyManning of Naviesprayer sessions and the monthly  muster round theWhite-Jacket resumes his portrait of the man-of-capstan, when the officers review the men [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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