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.He warned them his soldiers would shoot anybodywho tried to climb over it.It was his first autarchy.He ordered thatnobody should enter the village for the coming one hundred years.Until now, nobody has.The story spread like wildfire.It is the mainreason why the Mattinian Rebellion never took hold and was indeedshort lived, as you rightly called it. Is it true he had one of his sons who had offended him tied byhis feet to a horse and then ordered it to be whipped, causing it togallop away with the young man helpless behind it?Emelasuntha made a dismissive gesture and shrugged. More likely the lad got caught in the stirrups, which made an 102 Andrew Ashlingalready nervous animal panic, causing the young man to meet anuntimely and very unfortunate end.You mustn t be too gullible.Onthe other hand, it just might be true.Who s to know? In that case we haven t got a day, not a moment to lose.What ifthat husband of yours sends that fiend after my godson? And my son, you mean? Emelasuntha laughed. Sobrathi,Sobrathi, don t worry.Damydas has retired some years ago.He mightbe dead by now, for all we know.The baroness let out a sigh of relief. Well, don t be too at ease.Damydas might be dead or not, asthe case may be, but one thing is certain.The evil of men is eternal.Tomorrow we set out for Ormidon and if need be we ll go to thesouthern border, but one way or another we re going to find outexactly what my husband is planning. Oh no, Emelasuntha.We discussed it last time.There are plentyof reasons why  Plenty of reasons? My royal ass.If that bloody ogre is sending hisbloody hounds after my son, I will bloody well see to it myself thatnothing comes of it.I ll strangle the bloody mutts with my bloodybare hands. Let s talk about it, dear.The dangers  You re welcome to talk all you want, in a soon to be empty room,until you bore the plaster off the walls.I, for one, have some packingto see to and so do you.Emelasuntha smiled charmingly at her friend and mouthed akiss.Then she left in a whirlwind of long blond hair, looking excitedand at least fifteen years younger. Bonds of Fear 103The exercising that afternoon had been exceptionally strenuous,and Arranulf, Obyann, and Rahendo were looking forward to a liedown on their soft beds before the evening meal was served in themess barrack.The training fields were near the forest and they stillhad a while to go before they got back.Obyann walked in front of the other two, looking around withgrowing wonder. It s almost unbelievable.Just a few weeks ago, on this road youcould see over the fields as far as the eye would reach.Now it looks asif dozens of little villages are sprouting daily.Hm.those ugly buggersmust be of the Amirathan Militia.Yes, no doubt about it, they all looka little bit like Ruldo, the walking dick.Man, I can t wait till Bortramteaches me how to break his arms.Maybe it ll work on his legs as well.Happy thoughts like this always put Obyann in a good mood, andhe turned around to his friends.They seemed to be bustling withmerriment too.They were speaking softly but excitedly, interspersedwith bursts of laughter, which immediately made him suspiciousand instantly dispelled his own joyful spirit.He realized that theywere still in their training outfit, and without his uniform and mantlehe felt suddenly that some of his body parts were too exposed forcomfort.Too exposed especially to two morons who were gigglingbehind his back.Well, he would at once put an end to that little party. Landemere, he barked. What s so funny? Were you by anychance gawking at my ass again? 104 Andrew Ashling What? Arranulf said, still laughing at something Rahendo hadwhispered to him. I warn you, Landemere, don t shit in my turnips, as we say inRamaldah. I assure you that it was never my intention to relieve myselfin your root vegetables.And may I compliment you on the colorfulexpressions you have in Ramaldah?Rahendo made a sound, resembling a pony with a mild cold. Just quit gawking at my ass, Landemere, Obyann snarled, andwalked on. Nobody is interested in your bony ass, Ramaldah, Arranulfshouted after him. Nobody at all. Then quit leering at it.The chattering and eruptions of laughter behind his back didn tstop and after a few minutes he d had enough.He stopped beside theroad and put his hands on his sides. All right, ladies.Change of plans.You walk in front.Without paying him much attention the two pages simply walkedon, and when they had passed him, Obyann followed [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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