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.Well, he would at once put an end to that little party. Landemere, he barked. What s so funny? Were you by anychance gawking at my ass again? 104 Andrew Ashling What? Arranulf said, still laughing at something Rahendo hadwhispered to him. I warn you, Landemere, don t shit in my turnips, as we say inRamaldah. I assure you that it was never my intention to relieve myselfin your root vegetables.And may I compliment you on the colorfulexpressions you have in Ramaldah?Rahendo made a sound, resembling a pony with a mild cold. Just quit gawking at my ass, Landemere, Obyann snarled, andwalked on. Nobody is interested in your bony ass, Ramaldah, Arranulfshouted after him. Nobody at all. Then quit leering at it.The chattering and eruptions of laughter behind his back didn tstop and after a few minutes he d had enough.He stopped beside theroad and put his hands on his sides. All right, ladies.Change of plans.You walk in front.Without paying him much attention the two pages simply walkedon, and when they had passed him, Obyann followed. Nulfie, Rahendo asked with large, round eyes,  why does Obiewant us to walk in front of him?Arranulf gave him a big brother smile. I am not certain, Rahendo, but I suppose he wants to stare at ourasses.Rahendo tittered.Obyann, who had heard every word, just asArranulf had meant him to, snorted. That must be it, Rahendo said. He wants to feast his eyes on Bonds of Fear 105our perky, fleshy, luscious asses.And then he will dream of them.They both erupted with laughter. Cut it out guys, Obyann said, clearly annoyed. You re not funny.Nobody s laughing. He wants to touch them as well, Arranulf said in as serious avoice as he could muster. Oh, yes, he wants to caress our soft, voluptuous asses. Rahendoagreed..and fondle them. Arranulf added..fondle them fondly, a hand on each curvy, juicy ass, Rahendomanaged to say between fits of laughter and demonstrating with hismany ringed hand just what gesture he had in mind. Are you done already, you retarded, sex obsessed freaks, Obyannsnarled. The merest brush against our alluring, meaty posteriors willdrive him mad with a hitherto unknown hankering, Arranulf saidgravely. He might lose what little restraint he has and tear the pants fromour beguiling, bewitching, sweet, sweet, succulent asses, Rahendomanaged to utter, whilst almost suffocating with mirth. The sight of our glorious, silken buttocks might inspire him toendow them with tender, needy, enraptured, hot, hot kisses, Arranulfbellowed. He may not be able to resist licking our tasty, crunchy, yetsmooth butts. He might be tempted to use more than his hands alone, Arranulfhowled. 106 Andrew Ashling Our innocent, tender asses might never be safe again from hislustful, groping claws.We are doomed.doomed, I say.Arranulf and Rahendo had to support each other or they wouldhave fallen over.Obyann meanwhile had adopted a dark blueishcolor. When I get my hands on you, it will not only be your asses thatwill suffer, he yelled. Forget my hands, you dirty, stinking pukes.I will bring my feet into contact with your scrawny butts, and notexactly to caress them either.You will not be able to sit on themfor a week when I m done with the both of you, you hear me, youdemented, cheeky, perverted, inbred, creepy shrimp.And the samegoes for you, you conceited, vainglorious, puffed up, degenerate,deviant, debauched, depraved, lecherous, ducal sodomite.My feetwill stick so far into your asses that my toes will be tickling yourtonsils.He crouched down, looking for some stones to throw at histormentors. He s really angry, I think, Rahendo said, suddenly back to hisusual worrying state. He knows a lot of fancy words, Arranulf said rather pointlessly,getting a little worried himself. He can write none of them though, Rahendo mused, shakinghis head.A triumphant  Aha made them look backwards, and when theysaw that Obyann had found some dangerous looking projectiles,they started running away. Stay put, you measly cowards.Take your punishment as men.Ha, who am I kidding?He ran after them.Long before he could catch up with them Bonds of Fear 107Arranulf and Rahendo came to a fork in the road. You take that one, Arranulf panted. I ll take the other.He can trun after both of us.You ll be safer between all those new barracks.Many places to hide. Idiots, Obyann muttered under his breath.That they might be,but they were fast idiots, and by the time he came to the bifurcationhe had lost sight of them.He realized that they most likely had splitup and there was no chance he would get them. Oh well, it ll keep.As soon as I can write I m starting a list.Ruldo,Arranulf, Rahendo.Under their names I ll write their crimes.Underthat their punishments.I d better get me a large piece of parchment [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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