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.The target share must appearbe found in the password file, Samba will check to see if it is a printer share.earlier in the configuration file than the share that is performing the copy.ForSamba does this by reading the printer capabilities file (usually /etc/printcap) toexample:[template]writable = yes 96 Chapter 4: Disk Shares Server Configuration 93browsable = yesThe default for this option simply presents the current version of Samba and isvalid users = andy, dave, peterequivalent to:[data]server string = Samba %vpath = /usr/local/sambacopy = templateworkgroupNote that any options in the share that invoked the copy directive will overrideThe workgroup parameter sets the current workgroup where the Samba serverthose in the cloned share; it does not matter whether they appear before or afterwill advertise itself.Clients that wish to access shares on the Samba server shouldthe copy directive.be on the same NetBIOS workgroup.Remember that workgroups are really justNetBIOS group names, and must follow the standard NetBIOS naming conven-tions outlined in Chapter 1.For example:Server Configuration[global]Now it s time to begin configuring your Samba server.Let s introduce three basicworkgroup = SIMPLEconfiguration options that can appear in the [global] section of your smb.confThe default option for this parameter is set at compile time.If the entry is notfile:changed in the makefile, it will be WORKGROUP.Because this tends to be the work-[global]group name of every unconfigured NetBIOS network, we recommend that you# Server configuration parametersalways set your workgroup name in the Samba configuration file.*netbios name = HYDRAserver string = Samba %v on (%L)workgroup = SIMPLEDisk Share ConfigurationThis configuration file is pretty simple; it advertises the Samba server on a NBTnetwork under the NetBIOS name hydra.In addition, the machine belongs to theWe mentioned in the previous section that there were no disk shares on theworkgroup SIMPLE and displays a description to clients that includes the Sambahydra server.Let s continue with the configuration file and create an empty diskversion number as well as the NetBIOS name of the Samba server.share called [data].Here are the additions that will do it:[global]netbios name = HYDRAIf you had to enter encrypt passwords=yes in your earlier config-server string = Samba %v on (%L)uration file, you should do so here as well.workgroup = SIMPLE[data]path = /export/samba/datacomment = Data DriveGo ahead and try this configuration file.Create a file named smb.conf under thevolume = Sample-Data-Drivewriteable = yes /usr/local/samba/lib directory with the text listed above.Then reset the Sambaguest ok = yesserver and use a Windows client to verify the results.Be sure that your Windowsclients are in the SIMPLE workgroup as well.After clicking on the Network Neigh-The [data] share is typical for a Samba disk share.The share maps to a directoryborhood on a Windows client, you should see a window similar to Figure 4-2.(Inon the Samba server: /export/samba/data.We ve also provided a comment thatthis figure, phoenix and chimaera are our Windows clients.)describes the share as a DataDrive, as well as a volume name for the share itself.You can verify the serverstringby listing the details of the Network Neighbor-The share is set to writeable so that users can write data to it; the default withhood window (select the Details menu item under the View menu), at which pointSamba is to create a read-only share.As a result, this option needs to be explicitlyyou should see a window similar to Figure 4-3.set for each disk share you wish to make writeable.* We should also mention that it is an inherently bad idea to have a workgroup that shares the same nameas a server. 100 Chapter 4: Disk Shares Disk Share Configuration 97You may have noticed that we set the guest okparameter to yes.While this isn tvery security-conscious, there are some password issues that we need to under-stand before setting up individual users and authentication.For the moment, thiswill sidestep those issues and let anyone connect to the share.Go ahead and make these additions to your configuration file.In addition, createthe /export/samba/data directory as root on your Samba machine with the follow-ing commands:# mkdir /export/samba/dataFigure 4-6.Windows client view of a share comment# chmod 777 /export/samba/datavolumeNow, if you connect to the hydra server again (you can do this by clicking on itsThis option allows you to specify the volume name of the share as reported by icon in the Windows Network Neighborhood), you should see a single share listedSMB.This normally resolves to the name of the share given in the smb.conf file.entitled data, as shown in Figure 4-4 [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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