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.2This directive sets the soft and hard limits for the maximum numberof processes per user or user ID (UID).It takes one or two parameters.The first parameter sets the soft resource limit for all processes.Thesecond parameter sets the maximum resource limit.Either parametercan be a number, or   , which indicates to the server that the limitshould match the maximum allowed by the operating system config-uration.Raising the maximum resource limit requires the server to berunning as  root or in the initial start-up phase.If CGI processes arenot running under UIDs other than the web server UID, this directivewill limit the number of processes that the server itself can create.Thissituation will be indicated by   messages in the error logfile.Papersize: (US letter)Cropmarks: (AWL repro) 4.3 Configuration Reference 89Require http coreRequire User and Group AuthenticationSyntax: type uid-or-gidhttpd.conf.htaccessAuthConfigExample:LimitsOptionsDefault:FileInfoIndexesSince: Apache 1.0This directive selects which authenticated users or groups may accessa protected directory.The following syntax variants are allowed: uid uid. , which means that only the named users canaccess the directory;  gid gid. , which means thatonly users in the named groups can access the directory; and  , which means that all valid users can access the directory.If this directive appears in a section, then it restricts accessto the named HTTP methods; otherwise, it restricts access for all meth-ods.must be accompanied by and direc-tives, as well as directives such as and(to define users and groups), to work correctly.ResourceConfig http coreExtra Resource Configuration File (Deprecated)Syntax: filehttpd.conf.htaccessAuthConfigExample:LimitsOptionsDefault:FileInfoIndexesSince: Apache 1.0The server reads the specified file for more directives after reading thefile.The argument file is relative to the.His- Use   ifaccess to a particulartorically, this file contained most of the directives, except for the serverarea is being allowedconfiguration directives and the sections in NCSA httpd either by username/password or(the ancestor of Apache).Since the early Apache days, however, it hasclient host address.been allowed to contain any server directives in the server configura-tion context.This directive has been officially deprecated since Apache1.3 and is typically disabled using  .Satisfy http coreSpecial Access Policy Under the Allow and Require DirectivesSyntax: typehttpd.conf.htaccessAuthConfigExample:LimitsOptionsDefault:FileInfoIndexesSince: Apache 1.2This directive dictates a special access policy if both the anddirectives are used.The parameter type can be either  or  .The directive is useful only if access to a particu-lar area is being restricted by both user name/password (via )Papersize: (US letter)Cropmarks: (AWL repro) 90 Chapter 4: Configuring Apacheand client host address (via ).In this case, the default behavior(  ) is to require that the client pass the address access restrictionand enter a valid user name and password.Under   the client willbe granted access if it either passes the host restriction or enters a validuser name/password.The goal is intended to password-restrict anarea, while letting in clients from particular addresses without prompt-ing them for a password.ScoreBoardFile http coreRuntime Process Management Information FileSyntax: filehttpd.conf.htaccessAuthConfigExample:LimitsOptionsDefault:FileInfoIndexesSince: Apache 1.0On some architectures, this directive is required to specify a file thatthe server will use to communicate between its children and the parentso as to manage the process pool.SendBufferSize http coreTCP/IP Send Buffer SizeSyntax: byteshttpd.conf.htaccessAuthConfigExample:LimitsOptionsDefault:FileInfoIndexesSince: Apache 1.2This directive forces the server to set the TCP/IP send buffer size to thenumber of bytes specified.It allows you to increase the standard oper-ating system defaults on high-speed, high-latency network links.Thedefault value for bytes depends on the particular operating system.ServerAdmin http coreE-Mail Address of the Server AdministratorSyntax: account@fqdnhttpd.conf.htaccessAuthConfigExample:LimitsOptionsDefault:FileInfoIndexesSince: Apache 1.0This directive sets the e-mail address that the server includes in errormessages returned to the client.Papersize: (US letter)Cropmarks: (AWL repro) 4.3 Configuration Reference 91ServerAlias http coreAlternative Server NamesSyntax: host hosthttpd.conf.htaccessAuthConfigExample:LimitsOptionsDefault:FileInfoIndexesSince: Apache 1 [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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