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.OPCON is planning and operational employment of air appropriate for tactical operations of defense outfits.generally short duration requiring dedicated air defense.b.Organizing for Combat.(b) Attachment.The supported (1) Organizing air defense units for force provides administrative and logistic combat proceed from the application of four support to attached air defense units.An air basic employment principles of weapons defense unit may be attached to a maneuver mass, weapons mix, mobility, and integration unit on an extended, independent operation to METT-T conditions.where the parent air defense battalion cannot provide effective support.(a) Weapons Mass: The allocation of a sufficient amount of air defense (c) FurtherAttachment orresources to destroy the enemy air threat to OPCON.When possible, air defense units the defended asset.VIII-8(b) Weapons Mix: The employ-task organization.Additional considerations ment of a complementary family of weapons, include—wherein the capabilities of one system offset the limitations of another system.(a) Proportional weighing of the main effort.(c) Mobility: The ability of a unit to maneuver as easily as the unit it is (b) Allocation of available assets supporting.to protect critical force assets in priority.(d) Integration: Synchronized (c) C3 capabilities.employment of air defense units and systems within the concept of operation and scheme (d) Logistics supportability: Can of maneuver.the ADA unit support itself completely or will it need assistance from the supported unit?(2) Considerations for Air Defense Task Organization.The joint force seeks to (e) Impact of other air defense deploy the best possible weapons mass and assets in the area of operation.mix to support the scheme of maneuver.The supported force’s mission, commander’s (f) Air defense assets are not intent, and concept of operation drive force held in reserve.VIII-9(g) Preclusion of excessive unit team collocates with the Marine TACC to movement.assist in airspace coordination and air defense planning and operational execution.(h) Assigned mission consistent with situation.(2) MEF (FWD) Corps Liaison Requirements.The MEF (FWD) normally(i) Task organization accom-provides 2 liaison elements to the corps that modates transitions to branches or sequels facilitate planning and advice on the to the operational plan.MAGTF’s air defense capabilities and employment.One element collocates with c.Liaison.the corps A2C2 element at the corps main to assist in air defense planning; the second (1) DRB-MEF Liaison Requirements.collocates with the corps ADA brigade TOCThe DRB requires 2 liaison teams to to coordinate air defense execution.establish necessary air defense liaison with the MEF.Recommended team personnel include a company grade officer, an d.Air Defense Control Measures.experienced noncommissioned officer, and one enlisted specialist; team equipment Joint Pub 3-56.1 governs use of air consists of an AM/FM radio-equipped defense control measures germane to USA-HMMWV.One team collocates with the USMC operations.Figures VIII-3 and VIII-SAAWC operations facility/TAOC as subject4 depict dissemination of measures duringmatter experts on the DRB’s air defense integrated operations between the MEF and capabilities and employment and facilitates DRB and between the corps and MEF (FWD) information flow and exchange.A second respectively.VIII-10VIII-11 [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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