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.Something that would definitely keep him from being grounded.Shame on you, Nick.You're cheating on Kody Well, not really, since they weren't an item.It couldn't be cheating.Technically.Yet it did kind of feelthat way.How flipping weird.I'm whipped and I'm not even claimed yet.Dang, that sucked.She sauntered up to the counter, leaned over it almost spilling her breasts onto the glass top, andlooked toward the back room where he'd been."Where's Bubba?""Sleeping.Can I help you?" He tried his best to keep his eyes on her face and not on what he really,really wanted to look at.That might get him seriously bitch-slapped and since she was wearingspiked rings.It could really hurt.She popped the gum she was chewing as she gave him an amused once-over."What about Mark?""Also asleep."She straightened up."You new help?""Just filling in for the morning.They had a late night.""I'll bet." She shrugged her backpack off, set it on the floor by her feet, and opened it.Nick stood up on his tiptoes so that he could get a better view of her shapely butt as she rootedthrough her pack.Dang, she was fine./ could so go for an older woman.Think of Kody.Think of Kody.After a few seconds, she stood up with what appeared to be steel stakes in her hand."I need Bubba to sharpen these, and tell him that I need a new batch of shurikens.ASAP.Or sooner."Nick's eyes widened as he realized there was blood on one of the stakes."Should I ask?""Not if you want to live to eat lunch.Name's Tabitha Devereaux, and you are?" Cool, another greatCajun like him."Nick Gautier.""Nice meeting you, Nick.Tell Bubba I'll be back at dusk to get those and they better be sharp.I don'twant no vampire surviving my attacks to come at me again.Understand?"Man.Why were all the sexy women absolutely insane?"Yes, ma'am."She picked up the backpack and slung it over one shoulder before cocking her hip in a deadly posethat drained all the blood from his brain."Where do you go to school?""St.Richard's.""The school where the coach ate the principal? That's so cool.Wish we'd have something like that atSt.Mary's.Unfortunately, I'm the scariest thing there." She winked at him."Have a good day, kid."Hoping there wasn't drool coming out of his mouth, he watched as she went outside to where a black Nighthawk motorcycle waited.Slinging one long leg over it, she started the engine, then put herhelmet on.Ah man.Nick didn't breathe again until she was gone.Whew.that had been the most awesome experience ofhis life.You know Bubba, I need to pay you to work here.'Cause if women like that came by often, even iftheywere total head cases, he definitely wanted a job.Forget Liza and her store that was usuallyfrequented by little girls and their moms.He wanted to work in Hot Woman Val-halla until he died oftestosterone poisoning.Letting out a low whistle of appreciation, he pulled the stakes off the counter and wondered who orwhat had bled on them.With Bubba's friends, there was no telling.He put them in one of the plastic bins Bubba used for intake items and left a note with her name andthe instructions she'd given him.As he started back to the computer, the door jingled again.Reversing course to return to the counter,he tried not to be frustrated with the interruption.It was Madaug from school."Hey, bud, what's up?" Madaug also leaned over the counter to look into the back room it just wasn't as cool as whenTabitha had done it.Which was probably a good thing from Nick's way of thinking."Is Bubbaaround?""Nah, he's sleeping upstairs.Can I help you with something?""No, I guess not."Nick noticed the fact that Madaug was really distracted and fidgeting.Like something heavy was onhis mind."You wigged out about what happened at school?""Wha no.not exactly.Well, maybe.Kind of.Look, I really need to get a hold of Bubba when hegets up.It's really important."Nick gently scratched at his injured arm."Yeah, okay.Want to leave your number and I'll have himcall you?"Madaug reached for the pad and pen by the register.He quickly scribbled his number on it, thenhanded it to Nick."Please don't forget.It's really important.""You got it."Madaug hesitated before he let go of the paper and stepped back.He cast one last wistful stare to theback room, then left.Okay, the boy was even more insane than Tabitha had been.Too many sniffs of the form-aldehyde jarin their biology class.His brain must be pickled.Either that or Stone and crew had bashed himagainst the lockers one time too many and given him a massive head injury.Whatever.Nick tucked the note into his pocket and started back for the computer.He'd barely reached it when the door chime rang again."Son of a."What now? He growled low in his throat before he headed back to the counter to see who neededBubba this time.No wonder Bubba was so cranky.If this was a taste of Bubba's typical day, itexplained much about the surly redneck.Nick paused as he saw three members from his football team walking around the store like they werelooking for something.He didn't know their names, but he recognized their faces.Second-stringerslike Stone, they were even more aggressive against "nerdy" kids.The kind of pricks Nick spent all ofhis time avoiding and the kind who slammed poor Madaug into lockers, then laughed about it.But the weird thing was they were sniffing the air like dogs chasing prey.It was epically creepy."Can I help you guys?" Nick asked.The tallest, a guy with brown hair and a smile that ought to be used to sell toothpaste, steppedforward.His jacket had the name biff on it.Nick bit his tongue to keep from baiting him over that name.His parents must have really hated him.I'm here to serve Bubba, not get my butt kicked by oafs.Biff stepped closer."Nerd boy? Where he?" Okay.sad that they couldn't even form a complete sentence.See wiat happens wien you abusesteroids? Dudes should have read the warning label.First the penis shrinks, then the sentencestructure deteriorates.Next thing you know, you're climbing to the top of the Empire State Building,swatting at planes with your oversized fists.Granted you'd be there with a seriously attractive blonde, so even being a monster freak had someperks.But that was neither here nor there."You looking for Bubba or Mark?" Nick asked.Nerd definitely applied to either-or since they werethe kings of computers, B-movies, video games, and science."Nerd boy!" He grabbed Nick by the shirt and hauled him over the counter to stand in front of him.Cursing as pain shot through his injured arm, Nick slugged him hard across the face, but he didn'tseem to even feel it."Let me down, you animal.So help me."The jock buried his nose against Nick's neck and inhaled.Nick screwed his face up in distaste."What are you? A pervert? Get your sick hands off me." Hekicked him hard in the groin.Biff doubled over."He smells like nerd boy.Get him!" They moved forward, licking their lips.Ohcrap! They were zombies, too.Nick jumped the counter and ran for the back room where Bubba kept an ax.just in case.Bubba had never said what that case was, but this seemed like a really good time to grab it.Not to mention it was the only weapon in the store that Nick could use with one hand.He angled it at the first jock to reach him this one named Jimmy according to his jacket."Dude.back off'cause I will chop you.Hard."Jimmy hesitated.Feeling cocky about holding him off so easily, Nick strutted."Yeah.That's right.You don't want nopiece of me [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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