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.class files · 387; inindexed property · 818 methods & scopes · 370; inheriting fromindexing operator [ ] · 231 inner classes · 384; nesting within anyindexOf( ): String · 576, 681 arbitrary scope · 372; private · 833;InflaterInputStream · 606 private inner classes · 397; referring toinheritance · 38, 260, 271, 275, 311; and the outer class object · 381; static innercloning · 1034; and final · 302; and classes · 379finalize( ) · 333; and synchronized · 858; input: console input · 597choosing composition vs.inheritance · InputStream · 581, 913288; class inheritance diagrams · 293; InputStreamReader · 589, 590, 913combining composition & inheritance · insertNodeInto( ) · 784281; designing with inheritance · 339; instance: instance initialization · 375; non-diagram · 47; extending a class during · static instance initialization · 22941; extending interfaces with instance of a class · 31inheritance · 358; from an abstract class instanceof: dynamic instanceof · 671;· 326; from inner classes · 384; keyword · 666inheritance and method overloading vs.Integer: parseInt( ) · 776overriding · 286; initialization with Integer wrapper class · 233inheritance · 304; multiple inheritance interface: and implementation, separationin C++ and Java · 354; pure inheritance · 262; and inheritance · 358; base-classvs.extension · 341; specialization · 289; interface · 320; Cloneable interface usedas a flag · 1022; common interface · 325;1107 defining the class · 88; for an object · library · 440; public Java seminars · 11;32; graphical user interface (GUI) · 394, versions · 22689; implementation, separation of · 36; Java 1.1: I/O streams · 589initializing fields in interfaces · 361; Java AWT · 689keyword · 349; nesting interfaces within Java Foundation Classes (JFC/Swing) ·classes and other interfaces · 362; 689private, as nested interfaces · 364; Java operators · 133Runnable · 836; separation of interface Java programs, running from theand implementation · 722; upcasting to Windows Explorer · 705an interface · 353; user · 78; vs.abstract Java Server Pages (JSP) · 960· 356; vs.implemenation · 288 Java Virtual Machine · 662Interface Definition Language (IDL) · 982 JavaBeans: see Beans · 800interfaces: name collisions when javac · 121combining interfaces · 356 javah · 1067interfacing with hardware devices · 1065 JButton · 738internationalization, in I/O library · 590 JButton, Swing · 706Internet: Internet Protocol · 905; Internet JCheckBox · 738, 748Service Provider (ISP) · 699 JCheckboxMenuItem · 765interrupt( ) · 873 JCheckBoxMenuItem · 760InterruptedException · 827 JComboBox · 751intranet · 693; and applets · 693 JComponent · 740, 768Introspector · 805 JDBC: createStatement( ) · 930; databaseIP (Internet Protocol) · 905 URL · 928; DatabaseMetaData · 938;is-a · 341; relationship, inheritance · 289; executeQuery( ) · 930; flat-file databaserelationship, inheritance & upcasting · · 932; getFloat( ) · 930; getInt( ) · 930;292; vs [ Pobierz caÅ‚ość w formacie PDF ]
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