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.(1)when they moved into town.He was correct.Within six months the cartel's factories wereParenthetically, it should be noted that the Under-Secretary ofhumming with activity.I.G.shares were enjoying spectacularWar at that time (promoted to Secretary of War in 1945) wasconfidence in the German stock market, and free AmericanRobert P.Patterson who, before his appointment by Presidentmoney in the form of the Marshall Plan was on its way.Roosevelt, had been associated with Dillon, Read & Company,Meanwhile, Colonel Bernard Bernstein, chief investigator foranother Rockefeller investment banking firm.Dillon-Read hadthe Finance Division of the Allied Control Council and anhelped to finance a substantial portion of Farben's pre-waroutspoken critic of American coddling of cartelists, was fired byexpansion including its sprawling office building that washis superior officers.James Martin, the man who was head of thespared in the bombing raids.James Forrestal, former president ofde-cartelization branch of the Department of Justice, resigned inDillon, Read & Company, was Secretary of the Navy at the timedisgust.One by one, the foes of monopoly were squeezed out.Inbut later became the first Secretary of Defense.If one were of aanger and frustration, Martin explained his resignation: "We hadsuspicious nature, one might conclude that Mr.Patterson and Mr.not been stopped in Germany by German business.We had beenForrestal might have used their influence to protect some of thestopped in Germany by American business."(2)assets of their company's investment.The stage now was set for the final act of the drama.WithAs the Allied armies pushed into Germany, the extent of cartelFarben rapidly returning to its pre-war position of prosperity andpower within the American government suddenly becameinfluence in Europe, all that was left was to release its Americanvisible literally.Scores of American investment bankers,holdings from government control.By this time, I.G.Chemie inlawyers, and industrial executives all with connections to theSwitzerland had brightened its image by changing its name toFarben mechanism showed up in brigadier-general uniforms toFrench: Societe Internationale pour Participations Industrielles etdirect the "de-Nazification and de-cartelization" of post-warCommerciales.In German, however, this translated into Interna-Germany!tional Industrie und Handelsbeteiligungen A.G., or Interhandel,One such figure was Kenneth Stockton, chairman of ITT's the name by which it became widely known.Once again, nothingEuropean board of directors.According; to Anthony Sampson, had changed but the name.Stockton appeared "alongside Westrick." The most conspicuous On behalf of.Interhandel, the Swiss banks and the Swissamong these "generals" was Brigadier-General William Draper, government demanded that the United States government nowCommanding Officer of the Economics Division of the American1.Sasuly, op.cit., p.201.2.Sampson, op.cit., p.45.1.Ambruster, op.cit., p.41. CONSPIRACY224 WORLD WITHOUT CANCER: Part Two 225Yes, Virginia, the cartel was not dead.It had grown.Itrelease the "Swiss-owned" companies.They claimed thatprospered.Its center of gravity may have shifted away fromInterhandel was not owned by German nationals (although theyGermany as a result of the displacements of war, but it was alivesteadfastly refused to reveal who did own it), and that itsand well in the United States of America.American properties had been illegally seized.In court, however,The conclusion of this drama was well summarized by Lesliethe Treasury Department proved primarily from Farben's ownWaller when he wrote:files captured in Frankfurt that Interhandel was merely thelatest name for what Treasury described as:Like the legendary phoenix, this colossus of business organiza-tions was born in fire, yet survives the fiercest flames.It is an almost [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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