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., 14, 15Thunder, 237, 393-94Tiahuanaco period, 213-14Ulu, 199-200Tiamat, 107Ulua style, 457Tibet, 257Unconscious, 16-18, 125; collective, 32,T'ien, 45448; infantile, 65; personal, 31-32Tierra del Fuego, 245-50, 260, 315-18,Underhill, Ruth, 372319, 321-22, 363-64 Underworld, 66, 121, 129, 166, 183-84,Timovka, 327 186, 419, 426, 438; and Inanna, 413-Tin, 429-30 418; and labyrinth, 68-69, 119, 189,Tinbergen, N., 34-35, 36, 42-43, 47,445-47, 449466-67 Unicorn, 438 504INDEXUniversal themes, 14, 15, 91 Witchcraft, 305, 315-18, 351.432; can-Universe, and infant, 68, 71, SO; order of, nibal witches, 68-69, 70, 71, 73, 75,146-50, 178-83, 404-405, 453-55, 77; seizure, 22-23, 26, 31, 34, 40, 337;467-69; origin of, 59, 64, 231-32; as water witches, 62seat of divinity, 25-26; and serpent,Wizards, 54-55, 300, 304, 305, 397436; ziggurat as pivot of, 146Wolf, K.M., 46Upadhi, 55-57, 62, 129 Wolves, influence of moon upon, 58Upanishads, 11, 27, 51, 82, 105, 333, 438 Womb, 59, 62, 65, 66, 67, 73, 103, 122,Ur, 144, 164, 405-418, 419, 449, 452-53 180, 240, 334, 390Ur-Nammu, 412, 413 Women, in ancient Near East, 139-40,Uruk A and B, strata of, 146 141; and birth, 59-60, 63, 372; andBlackfoot buffalo dance, 283-86; ca-Ushuaia, Tierra del Fuego, 246, 249, 317pacity for play, 40, 43; and castrationfear, 73-76; fear of, 59-60; goddess,Vagina, 103, 302, 320, 325, 329; toothed,see Mother-goddess; and initiation rites,73-75, 7788-89, 93-94, 96, 98-99, 102-103,Valkyrs, 120113-16; and instinct crossing, 58-59;Vancouver Island, 208 and length of life, 271-72; life of, 351-Variations, and innate releasing mecha- 352; magic, 302, 372; menstruation,nisms, 45-46 58, 59; and Oedipus complex, 77-78;Vedas, 438 paleolithic age, 313-34, 381, 383; rites,Vedic pantheon, 10, 438 184 85, 186; serpent and maiden myth,384-91, 411, 446; shamans, 244, 372,Velden, 339, 341441; subordinate position of, 322-23Venezuela, 208Venus, goddess, 143, 371, 412, 427Woolley, Sir Leonard, 164, 405-410,Venus, planet, 140, 146, 166, 404, 409,412 n., 419411, 412, 421, 431, 452Word, supreme, 86,Venus de Medici, 140World Ash, 120-21, 257, 281Venus figures, 287-88, 313-15, 324-30World Knot, 109Vercingetorix, 312Worms, E.F., 318Victoria Nyanza, 118Wotan, 11, 12, 120, 121Village, 172, 181-82, 204, 238, 242, 434-Writing, 135, 147, 148, 203, 204, 208,435403, 404, 423, 424, 437, 456Virgil, quoted, 69-70Wu, 457Virgin birth, 3, 15, 457Wundt, Wilhelm, 16Virgins, 173, 187, 198; and ritual regi-Wurm glaciation, 323, 340, 374cide, 160, 165-69, 404-405, 411Virtue, 71, 464-71Yabrud, 136, 402Vishnu, 234, 239, 293, 436Yahgan (Yamana) tribe, 245, 246, 317-Visions, 229, 2S1-67318, 319, 321, 363Vogul people, 251Yahuna tribe, 220-21Void, full, 439Yakut people, 251-52, 258-63, 273-74,Volcanoes, 338, 393, 450-51275, 314Volkov, F.K., 327Yams, 172, 186, 201, 446, 449Vrindavan, milkmaids of, 80Yang, 452Yangshao culture level, 441 44Wagner, Richard, 11, 17, 282 Year, measurement of, 147Yeliseevici, 327Wakan-Tanka, 242-43Yessei Yakut people, 251-52Water, imagery of, 62, 64, 122, 188, 390,Yggdrasil, 120-21, 257, 281436; questions concerning origin of,YHVH, 8583, 84Yin, 452Water of Life, 70Ymir, 107Water-buffalo, 137, 442Yoga, 109-110, 233-34, 255, 258, 291-Way, universal, 462-65, 472-73Weaving, 138, 210, 211 ff., 402292, 334, 435-36, 437, 439Web, 74Yoni, 437, 438Yoruba tribe, 330Weckler, J.E., 392-93, 394Yueh, 457Weinert, Hans, 339, 374Well of the Virgin, 184Wells, 62 Zen Buddhism, 469Wendt, Herbert, 341 n., 357 Zeus, 101-102, 104, 183, 184-85, 279 ff-,Wheat, 138, 186, 240, 241 393, 427Wheel, 135, 147, 203, 404, 424, 437 Ziggurats, 144, 145-48"White Lady," Rhodesia, 382, 383 Zigzag design, 326, 328, 429, 430, 435,Wildermannlisloch cave, 341441Wildkirchi cave, 341Zimbabwe temple ruins, 420Willlendorf, Venus of, 325Zimmer, Heinrich, 63, 436Willley, Gordon R., 206, 215Zodiac, 149, 166Wind, 62, 235Zoroastrianism, 7, 71Wirz, Paul, 170Zuni Indians, 230 [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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