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.casualties Losses of military personnel to enemy action.Whenreported of battles, these usually include those killed, wounded, cap-tured, or missing in action.When reported for an entire war, casualtiesmay also include those who die in noncombat activities and from dis-eases contracted while in theaters of war.Civilian casualties arereported separately.civil war A war between parties, regions, or ethnic groups within asingle country.coalition A combination or alliance arranged on a temporary basis, asamong wartime allies.collective security A policy or principle in international affairs,according to which many countries band together to guarantee thesecurity of individual countries against foreign aggression.colonialism A system under which one people or territory are ruledfrom afar by another country.communism The theory and system of social organization that isbased on common or state ownership of industry, agriculture, and allother economic enterprises; a system of government based upon thedictatorship of the Communist Party.convoy A group of ships or land vehicles traveling together formutual protection, sometimes under armed escort.counterinsurgency The guiding doctrine of U.S.military involve-ment in South Vietnam in the early 1960s, emphasizing mobility andsurprise by small units of highly trained combat specialists, as well as winning the hearts and minds of the civilian population. 161GLOSSARYcoup (coup d état) The overthrow of an established governmentthrough an unexpected and rapid takeover by a small group of plotters.Coup is the French word for a forceful blow and is sometimes used withthe complete French term, coup d état, an overthrow of the government.covert Undercover or secret.When used in a wartime context, itapplies to usually small-scale operations that may be conducted byeither the military or civilians.defoliants Chemical agents used to wither or kill off vegetation, todeny cover to enemy forces operating in jungles and forests.delta A flat fertile ground between the diverging branches of a river sys-tem, where the river empties into a larger body of water such as the sea.dogfight An aerial battle between opposing fighter pilots.domino theory The belief, first enunciated by President Eisenhower,that if South Vietnam fell to the Communists it would trigger a seriesof Communist takeovers through Asia and perhaps beyond, like a rowof dominoes toppling over in sequence.draft Involuntary military recruitment through the selection of indi-viduals from the civilian population to join a nation s armed forces.draft resistance The refusal by individuals or organized groups tocooperate with the draft system.fragging Military slang for the deliberate killing of a superior officerby men of lower rank in the same army.The word is derived from frag-mentation grenade, which is often used for this purpose.free-fire zone A territory considered to be under enemy control, whereany person, vehicle, or structure is considered a legitimate military target.friendly fire Combat deaths or wounds caused by the guns, bombs,or artillery of one s own side in a war.Green Berets Nickname for U.S.Army Special Forces soldiers, trained incounterinsurgency techniques.It derives from their distinctive headgear.grunt Popular nickname for U.S.Army and Marine Corps groundcombat forces in South Vietnam.guerrilla warfare A strategy of warfare in which small bands ofnonuniformed soldiers harass a larger and better-armed enemythrough surprise raids or attacks on supply and communication lines,and usually depending on the sympathy of local civilians for informa-tion and shelter. 162VIETNAM WARhelicopters Rotary-winged aircraft capable of vertical take-offs andlandings; used extensively by the United States in the Vietnam War.herbicide Chemical agent used to wither or kill off vegetation for thepurpose of denying cover to the enemy, or to destroy enemy food crops.infiltration A method of attack in which small units of troops pene-trate enemy lines through weak or unguarded points.kill ratio The proportion of enemy to friendly forces killed in a givenbattle or campaign.logistics The branch of military science concerned with the trans-portation and supply of troops in the field.M-16 From 1966 on, the standard-issue automatic weapon used byU.S.forces in Vietnam.machine gun A small weapon able to deliver a rapid and continuousfire of bullets until the weapon s magazine or firing belt is depleted.MIA (missing in action) Military personnel whose fate is unac-counted for after a battle, not known to authorities to have been eitherkilled or captured.mine A device containing an explosive charge, placed in a camou-flaged setting, and designed to explode and kill enemy soldiers ordestroy enemy vehicles when they are in its immediate vicinity.missionaries Religious believers, often members of the clergy, whotravel to distant lands to convert others to their religion.morphine A narcotic derived from opium, which when inserted intothe bloodstream can dull pain or induce unconsciousness.mortar A relatively small, portable cannon, loaded in the muzzle, thatfires its shells at a slow speed and short range but with a high, archingtrajectory.napalm An incendiary weapon made of jellied gasoline, droppedfrom aircraft in canisters or fired from flame-throwers, used by U.S.troops in Vietnam.nationalism Devotion to the interests of one s own nation, includingthe desire for national independence.neutrality The status of a nation that does not participate in a war.New Left Campus-based radicals in the 1960s, active in the antiwar,civil rights, and feminist movements.The  new was applied to distin-guish them from the previous generation s leftists and their agenda. 163GLOSSARYpacification The process by which a government extends its influencein a region controlled by enemy insurgents.pacifist An opponent of war on the principle of opposition to killing.POW (prisoner of war) Military personnel taken captive and beingheld by the enemy.propaganda News and commentary on news released by a go-vernment in wartime and intended to persuade domestic andforeign audiences of the righteousness of the government s cause [ Pobierz caÅ‚ość w formacie PDF ]
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