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.pacific-expeditions.com) offers private ocean Kayaks are readily available for hire on Muri HORSE RIDINGit s also a good spot where you can arrange charters aboard the research vessel Bounty Lagoon, and many hotels provide them for Horse-riding tours are offered by Aroa Ponyfishing trips.Bay, skippered by  Captain G , otherwise guests use.They re easy to handle, a lot of Trek (%21415; adult/child NZ$50/30; hmorning &known as Graham Wragg, one of the is- fun and by far the quickest way to get out to afternoon Mon-Fri), just inland from Kaena Res-Lagoon Cruises land s most respected naturalists.One of the deserted motu on Muri Lagoon.taurant.The tours trot along the beach, in-Aitutaki isn t the only place in the Cook its regular trips is an ecoresearch expedition Captain Tama s AquaSportz Centre (Map p64; land up to Wigmore s Waterfall for a swim,Islands where you can indulge in a memor- to the protected island of Takutea; the boat then back again, and usually last around 2½%27350; Muri Beach) is beside the Rarotongaable lagoon cruise.also makes (occasional) trips to the more Sailing Club and rents kayaks (singles/ hours.Bookings are essential.Captain Tama s AquaSportz Centre (Map p64; remote Cook Islands, including Palmer- doubles NZ$7/10 per hour) and wind-operates glass-bottom ston, Suwarrow and Manuae.surfers (NZ$25 per hour), and also gives Scenic Flights%27350; Muri Beach)boat tours (adults/children NZ$60/35), in- windsurfing lessons (NZ$35).The best way to appreciate Rarotonga scluding snorkelling, a stop at a small dem- Surfing Pacific Resort (Map p64; %20427; Muri Beach) dramatic landscape is from the air.Theonstration pearl farm and a barbecue lunch Surfing on Rarotonga is for hardcore hires kayaks (singles/doubles NZ$10/15 per national airline Air Rarotonga (%22888; wwwon Koromiri.The tours last from 11am to boarders only  reef-break rides tend to be hour) and windsurfers (NZ$25 per hour).airraro.com) offers 20-minute scenic flightsabout 3pm and go every day except Sunday.short, thrilling and, if you get them wrong, Short windsurfing lessons are free.(adults/children NZ$65/35) in tiny four-Bookings are essential.agonisingly painful.You ll sometimes see a seater Cessna planes, complete with on-The Pacific Resort (Map p64; scattering of surfers trying their luck on the VAKA RACING board commentary.Flights take place from%20427; MuriBeach) also offers glass-bottom boat cruises waves at Avarua (in front of the traffic cir- This traditional sport  in which contestants 8.30am to 4pm daily and bookings can usu-(with/without lunch NZ$45/25) in its cle), at Avana Harbour, Matavera (near the (either solo or in teams) race against each ally be made on the day of the flight.You llthatched vessel the Moana Roa, including school), Black Rock and near the airport.other in huge ocean-going canoes  is a sport need a minimum of two passengers, but noR A R O T O N G ARAROTONGA 72 RAROTONGA " " Rarotonga for Children www.lonelyplanet.com www.lonelyplanet.com RAROTONGA " " Tours 77(Continued from page 72) history and rich flora and fauna.The first tour travels alongWHALE-WATCHINGthe Ara Metua in an air-conditioned minibus, stopping forHumpback whales visit the Cook Islands every year during the austral winter, from July to Octo-A visit to an island night (p87 ) is also explanations of local plants and historical sites (some ofber, on their way to the colder waters of Antarctica.The traditional name for any large whale isabsolutely essential.Kids will love the which you won t visit on other tours), before concludingto ora.You ll often be able to see them just outside the reef, and they usually have young calvessound and spectacle of traditional Cook with a demonstration of  Maori medicine (NZ$50).Thein tow.The warm waters tend to make the whales more playful, and it s not uncommon to seeIslands drumming and dancing, and you second tour travels up the lush Avana valley by bike andthem breaching the surface of the water before slamming back down with an almighty splash might even get a spot of fire-juggling and kayak (NZ$35) [ Pobierz caÅ‚ość w formacie PDF ]
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