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.UIMask.setMask(null);ExampleThe following code uses the movie clip circleMask_mc to mask the movie clip theMaskee_mc.theMaskee_mc.setMask(circleMask_mc);MovieClip._soundbuftimeAvailabilityFlash Player 6.Usagemy_mc._soundbuftimeDescriptionProperty (global); an integer that specifies the number of seconds a sound prebuffers before itstarts to stream.MovieClip._soundbuftime 533 MovieClip.startDrag()AvailabilityFlash Player 5.Usagemy_mc.startDrag([lock, [left, top, right, bottom]])Parameterslock A Boolean value specifying whether the draggable movie clip is locked to the center of themouse position (true), or locked to the point where the user first clicked on the movie clip(false).This parameter is optional.left, top, right, bottom Values relative to the coordinates of the movie clip s parent thatspecify a constraint rectangle for the movie clip.These parameters are optional.ReturnsNothing.DescriptionMethod; lets the user drag the specified movie clip.The movie clip remains draggable untilexplicitly stopped through a call to MovieClip.stopDrag(), or until another movie clip is madedraggable.Only one movie clip is draggable at a time.See alsoMovieClip._droptarget, startDrag(), MovieClip.stopDrag()MovieClip.stop()AvailabilityFlash Player 5.Usagemy_mc.stop()ParametersNone.ReturnsNothing.DescriptionMethod; stops the movie clip currently playing.See alsostop()534 Chapter 12: ActionScript Dictionary MovieClip.stopDrag()AvailabilityFlash Player 5.Usagemy_mc.stopDrag()ParametersNone.ReturnsNothing.DescriptionMethod; ends a MovieClip.startDrag() method.A movie clip that was made draggable withthat method remains draggable until a stopDrag() method is added, or until another movie clipbecomes draggable.Only one movie clip is draggable at a time.See alsoMovieClip._droptarget, MovieClip.startDrag(), stopDrag()MovieClip.swapDepths()AvailabilityFlash Player 5.Usagemy_mc.swapDepths(depth)my_mc.swapDepths(target)Parametersdepth A number specifying the depth level where my_mc is to be placed.target A string specifying the movie clip instance whose depth is swapped by the instancespecified by my_mc.Both instances must have the same parent movie clip.ReturnsNothing.DescriptionMethod; swaps the stacking, or z-order (depth level), of the specified instance (my_mc) with themovie clip specified by the target parameter, or with the movie clip that currently occupies thedepth level specified in the depth parameter.Both movie clips must have the same parent movieclip.Swapping the depth level of movie clips has the effect of moving one movie clip in front of orbehind the other.If a movie clip is tweening when this method is called, the tweening is stopped.For more information, see  Managing movie clip depths on page 129.MovieClip.swapDepths() 535 See also_level, MovieClip.getDepth(), MovieClip.getInstanceAtDepth(),MovieClip.getNextHighestDepth()MovieClip.tabChildrenAvailabilityFlash Player 6.Usagemy_mc.tabChildrenDescriptionProperty; undefined by default.If tabChildren is undefined or true, the children of a movieclip are included in automatic tab ordering.If the value of tabChildren is false, the children ofa movie clip are not included in automatic tab ordering.ExampleA list box UI widget built as a movie clip contains several items.The user can click each item toselect it, so each item is a button.However, only the list box itself should be a tab stop.The itemsinside the list box should be excluded from tab ordering.To do this, the tabChildren property ofthe list box should be set to false.The tabChildren property has no effect if the tabIndex property is used; the tabChildrenproperty affects only automatic tab ordering.See alsoButton.tabIndex, MovieClip.tabEnabled, MovieClip.tabIndex, TextField.tabIndexMovieClip.tabEnabledAvailabilityFlash Player 6.Usagemy_mc.tabEnabledDescriptionProperty; specifies whether my_mc is included in automatic tab ordering.It is undefinedby default.If tabEnabled is undefined, the object is included in automatic tab ordering only if it defines atleast one button handler, such as MovieClip.onRelease.If tabEnabled is true, the object isincluded in automatic tab ordering.If the tabIndex property is also set to a value, the object isincluded in custom tab ordering as well.If tabEnabled is false, the object is not included in automatic or custom tab ordering, even ifthe tabIndex property is set.However, if MovieClip.tabChildren is true, the movie clip schildren can still be included in automatic tab ordering, even if tabEnabled is false.536 Chapter 12: ActionScript Dictionary See alsoButton.tabEnabled, MovieClip.tabChildren, MovieClip.tabIndex,TextField.tabEnabledMovieClip.tabIndexAvailabilityFlash Player 6.Usagemy_mc.tabIndexDescriptionProperty; lets you customize the tab ordering of objects in a movie.The tabIndex property isundefined by default.You can set tabIndex on a button, movie clip, or text field instance [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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