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.You may give a word of encouragement,a cup of tea with a listening ear, some of your time to help somebody getorganized, or a  Get Out of Jail Free card for the next time a child blowsit! By the way, the more humbly you can do it, the better.PRAYERPrecious Lord,Thank you for your bountiful, extravagant, abundant, lavish generosity.I long to get close to your heart by practicing the lifestyle of a generous person.Help me to hold my stuff loosely, as if it s not mine, because it s not.Help meto share some of my things I would normally hold back from sharing.Help meto live as if my life is not my own, because it s not.You paid for me, and yougave me a life full of gifts to give away.I surrender my body to you  use meto deliver hope, help, grace, joy, mercy, and forgiveness to people who need thosegifts this week.You have given me so much.It s the least I can do.In the name of Jesus, amen.252 Generosity DayGreed:Exposing Your InnerScroogeOne of the dangers of greed is that it oftendoesn t set off the alarms that other sins do.Gary Thomas, author, speakerThen he said to them,  Watch out!Be on your guard against all kinds of greed;life does not consist in an abundance of possessions.Luke 12:15A VIRTUAL MESSAGENOTE: It s Day 2, so you have the option of listening to today s message bydownloading it from my website, www.LifePurposeCoachingCenters.com/CM, or reading the message text below.Enjoy the virtual coaching anddon t forget to open in prayer!THE FLIP SIDE OF GENEROSITYThere are two classic Christmas movies you may happen to watch year afteryear, which portray two sides of this generosity theme: It s a WonderfulLife and Scrooge.In It s a Wonderful Life, an angel shows George Baileyhow his lifetime of sacrifice and generosity has transformed his town forthe better.In Scrooge, an angel shows Ebenezer Scrooge how his lifetimeof being  a squeezing, wrenching, grasping, scraping, clutching, covetousold sinner has made him lose everyone who meant anything to him.It s aWonderful Life ends with the townspeople of Bedford Falls rallying aroundGeorge s crisis and showering him with money.Scrooge ends with Ebenezer253 Part : The Making of a Right Relationship to Thingsawakening to his folly and giving away his money.George Bailey reaped therewards of being generous.Scrooge was reaping the consequences of beinggreedy until he faced himself and learned the joy of giving.Consider these contrasts:Generosity is grateful.Greed is covetous.Generosity sees God as the source.Greed sees self as the source.Generosity lets go.Greed hoards.Generosity gives.Greed gets.Generosity trusts God.Greed distrusts God.That last one  greed distrusts God  is a biggie.Many years ago I no-ticed that I was once again struggling with greed, and I wrote in my journal, Greed slaps God in the face and says,  You won t have enough for me, soI will hoard for myself.  Slapping God in the face may sound harsh, butthink about how you would feel if your child were to say something like thisto you:  You might not give me enough food for dinner tonight, so I m justsaving this bread from lunch, and I m sneaking some of Johnny s lunch too.I got some cans out of the cupboard, and I have them hidden away in mysock drawer  you know.just in case you don t come through for me.That would be like a slap in the face, wouldn t it? Well, that s what I feel I amdoing to God when I forget about his habitual generosity and start hoardingwhat he has given me or grasping for more than I need.Let s look at greed a little deeper, starting with its many faces.THE MANY FACES OF GREEDGreed can take numerous forms.It is seen in an inordinate craving for morethan is needed (i.e., food, wealth, possessions, sex, power, love, entertain-ment, comfort, popularity, control).This form of greed was at the root ofthe original sin in Eden.When Adam and Eve indulged their craving for theforbidden fruit, they were greedily grasping for more than they needed, overand above what God had so amply provided.Another form of greed is hoarding.This person protects what she hasby holding on tightly and not letting go.Try this little self-test to see if youmight possibly be a hoarder.254 Generosity Day : Greed: Exposing Your Inner ScroogeHoarding Self-TestHere are some interesting categories of hoarding you may not have consid-ered.Rate yourself on a scale from 1 to 5 as to how much you experience eachof these types of hoarding, with 1 meaning  rarely and 5 meaning  frequently.Do you have a hard time sharing your possessions?Are you usually too busy to spare the time to serve others?Are you so protective of your agenda that you resentinterruptions?Do you close out people by guarding your personal space?Another insidious form of greed is a sense of entitlement [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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